"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year End Thoughts

From cradle to Grave
Another year has gone
Merged in timeless space

From womb of eternity
Peeks a golden ray
To create a new dawn

With the tick of a clock
The crystal ball falls 
To announce a new year

Built of a new calendar 
For human mind to tackle
The ever moving time

What once was One
Hidden dark and obscure
Bursts into epiphany of light

Divides itself in sun moon and stars
Condescending days and nights
Create season in epoch of time

Time abides in mortal hearts
In periods of joy and grief
A solemn ending marks a new beginning 

Memories of old exit quietly
Life blooms upon a new rose

To make a offering for One beyond time.

Savita Tyagi

12. 30. 2013

Thursday, December 26, 2013

On A Computer Screen

Some time when you sit and contemplate
Think of your life as a Word document 
Displaying on the computer screen 
Your past deeds are words that have been deleted
Thinking about them won't improve the document 
Trash them for ever
Time is still there to correct your mistakes
Add some good vocabulary 
To polish your dull writings
Let's call them your good deeds
Give your document a supple body
Support of good habits 
And positive thinking
If old ideas are not workable
Format is confused and complicated
Goals not reachable
Don't be afraid to revise and rewrite
Devise new format 
Change the old script
Countless possibilities are there
All just click of a mouse away
But watch out for limits 
Built in for your software
It is not programmed to work 
In systems incompatible
Or to by pass set commands
Just learn to work around those hurdles
And be aware of blips and viruses
I believe such a marvelous tool 
At your disposal demands 
Your full attention
Use it in a best possible way

To create your story.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


In a night of icy rain
Icicles jingle on my window
Like musical notes
Of silvery crescendo
For earth's winter score.

The crystal decorated grass
With shimmering rain drops
Is a nurturing gift from the gods
To their distant cousin earth-
In need of heaven's grace.

Affluent with silken pearls,
The crimson berries are
Glowing in Christmas light.
The sky displays an occult
Luminosity at celestial height.

The reflective solitude of
The hazy Christmas night
Spreading calm of Nature, 
Is wrapped in a chilled gown
Of amazing wondrous warmth.

This is the holy night of 
Pure beauteous calm,
Of love's dripping in
Icicles formed.

May peace be upon all.

2. 22. 2013

Edited on 12. 6. 2016

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cinquain Twin (Free Verse)


Lips sealed with a kiss
Lips parted for more
Don't you know my love
Desire for ever more
The saga of ancient lore

Maya (Illusion) In Nature

I am the Eve of your Garden 
Defamed by fate's cruel hand
I bore you in me as a thought beautiful
Carry the energy per your command
I am but the executrix of your deeds.

Cinquain lll lV V (Free Verse)


To collect scattered energies
Behind a single aim
Is a daunting task for a will strong
Where will falters the practice masters
Practice is the anvil for perfection.


Even though God is supreme
Still have to deal with world and self within
Believing that you and I are sheafed together
In largesse of life by his will
Makes it easier to love and lean


This sense of unity fragile and illusive 
Reveals itself wrapped in diversity
You, me and the world around us
Are made to walk together
On a journey of limits farther.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tea With Squirrel

Squirrel! Come share a cup of tea with me
On a sunny afternoon sitting in the vacant backyard
I watch you coming out of your burrow
Your furry body with beady eyes moving with quick alertness
Up and down the trees before I see you getting settled
On the velvety grass
The sunlight filtering through the dark green trees
In mild breeze makes the waves of sunshine
Dance around you.

Are you as alone as I am?
Do you long for a private evening with your loved one?
Like I do on a quiet afternoon like this.

Again, I see you running around
Are you busy arranging a party?
Like I do sometime to hide away from my boredom
Smiling and greeting the guest
Often as distant at the time of parting
As they were at the time of meeting
And when the last guest has departed
I am happy to slough off the snakeskin 
And settle in the quiet assurance of my back yard
Funny I should have a desire for an intimate smile
Or even a friendly gaze to be exchanged with you.

To converse further tell me
With little ones gone
Is your nest empty like mine?
Not too long ago
The beats of life were different   
I was busy like you running frantically 
Chauffeuring children from school to soccer
To birthday parties
Snatching sometime in between
To peek at the yearend clearance
The coupons for sale priced items
Still lying in the old purse pocket!
At times, I felt out of place for not being able to make it
When all the friends that I knew
Would gather at mall to exchange community news
And lessen the burden of their hearts
Their faces bright with laughter and excitement
Sharing the secret of wonderful life
At bargain prices
While I, possessed with some unknown urge
That brings about a sudden change of heart
Turn my car towards home
To get a moment of peace sitting in my backyard
Wishing for you to share a cup of tea with me.

Savita Tyagi

First written in April. 1998.  Revised a bit to put on blog today.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Aryans

'Aryan’ an ancient Sanskrit word simply meant noble
From time aeon humans took pride in being noble
Suppressing what was evil and destructive in their nature
Love and compassion was valued over hate and selfishness
Brave and honest one took pride in their words
Honored the pledge and commitment made towards each other
Early on fallibility of human nature was recognized
Virtue and vice was known to reside in one' heart
Conscious effort was to be made to win over ills
If humans were to live in peace with each other
All that was negative in human nature 
Had to be put aside for the good of all
To strive for higher ideals 
To seek divinity within were the goals to be followed
One who was resolute and excelled in that effort 
With patience and persistence was called Noble
Fit to be a leader and guide his fellow citizens 
On the virtuous path of nobility
But the coils of serpent ego weren't made to crush that easy
Nobles in a moment of pride and arrogance having their guards down 
Were easy prey for demonic spell of bewitching vices of human nature
Few escaped with constance watch and discipline 
Others who couldn't tried hiding
Behind the affiliation of a virtuous family name
And called themselves 'Aryaputra' Son of an Aryan
Some even thought belonging to a certain part of land
Gave them the right to be called Aryan
Aryavert ' land pervaded by Aryans is what they called their land
Some even searched for the land original
To label the inhabitants of Aryan Race
As if virtues were hidden in that soil
Aryan culture and beliefs spread far and wide
Cherished and divine were their ideals though
The followers lost their vision
Ictus of virtue fell silent in Aryan heart
Straying away from tough discipline 
They became corrupt and week 
And the name was lost in history
Now if anything is to be learned from their demise 
Is that being an Aryan is a journey individual 
Even when followed collectively
No land, no man, no group could own virtues
It is for each human being to cultivate and practice 
To watch for and subjugate the lower within
It is a path of one's choosing
To be or not to be a Nobel or Aryan
Is a choice to be made
Not a birthright.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Flash Thoughts lll

I am done
Want to quit
Why the idea of quitting is shunned
Favored against a fight to stay afloat
To beat the moment 
Knowing fully the ship must sink
At a given moment 
Unknown unpredictable
One who wants to quit 
Knows fully too 
That choosing is not in one's hands
Race is on
Time floats
I am a moment
With in a moment
My mass destined to shrink
A slow sucking
In a dark hole
Bubbles in a glass of soda
Sliding upwards  
To burst upon surface
Not knowing their play

A tryst with destiny.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cinquain ll (Free Verse)

Fine is to test the will 
For courage to take up an  endeavor
But testing the patience and persistence 
To be resolute for a chosen path

Is a finer test for that will.

I Am Singing The Nursery Rhyme

Move over world
Don't want to know your trouble 
Sports news and Radio talk
Please don't shout and balk
Poet and Poetess
Sorry to miss your recital
Just didn't seem so vital
Watching the baby and his smile

I am singing the nursery rhyme.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Living with out traditions
Rituals and festivals lost
In memory of distant past
We become nonexistent
What is present but
Built upon yesterday's foundation
Brick by brick
Thought by thought
Ideals by ideals
Yet all is transitory
Struggle to keep past alive
Becomes a fight to keep
Present alive
Life changing so fast
Driving around I feel
I am the walking past
Of this new landscape
In present we host
Numerous ghost of past
Becoming ourselves a ghost identity
In desperation looking back
At traditions and rituals
To rescue an image
Disappearing fast
Like notebook and cursive writing.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Four A.M.

Clouds move out
Stars move in
Full moon speaks not
The crickets hush not
And I 
Just restless!

Sit sit sit
Close my eyes and sit
Void and emptiness 
Stretches in night
So calm and serene
Against restive mind 

Once time casts us aside
Life doesn't abide in have to do mode
Yet mind gets restless
Passions and emotions 
Scattered like grass seeds
Some to germinate in green grass
Others to be washed away in autumn rain

Fate presents us the life
Beyond our wildest dreams
But strips away too
The simplest longings
The youthful energy flies away
Without leaving a trace
Like the little bird on garden fence

Thoughts and inspiration
Lost in blank mind
Like stars hidden
Behind clouds
In autumn sky

Subdued sense detect
Only the breath of life
repetitive motion
comes and goes
Soon to be forgotten
In flights of mind

The only awareness
That lingers on and on
To take over all else
Sleep stays away 
Like an unwelcome guest

Eventually mind concedes to quiet sitting
A moment of neutral living
Neither of joy nor sadness
All dissolves
In limit less silence

Orange moon shines on window
Big and beautiful
As in prime of youth
Night moves on unhurried  
To give way for another dawn.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Closed For Business

The government shuts down!
Politicians who refuse to negotiate
With hostage takers and pirates
Hold their own president
And country’s welfare hostage
To enforce their own will
Demanding ransom beyond imagination
Height of hypocrisy!
Young politicians and their marathon podium high jacking!
What a waste of time and public resources
Ideals of democracy clutched in power hungry hands
The statue of Freedom sheds tears
Above capital dome
Little red riding hood watch out
Many wolfs out there in Grandma’s clothing
Your soldier friend is on furlough!
Grandma’s house isn’t secure any more!


Path To Heaven

Hawkish words from great nations of today
‘Our credibility is at stake’
Justifying the euphoria in support of war
More or less similar words
'Our honor is at stake'
Litter the ancient history
Of kings and warrior race
And their antique ways of
Settling the differences 
With a quick draw of sword 
Different times different people
Same arrogance and same vanity
The real culprit 
A desire and hunger
For power and supremacy 
Built in and hidden 
Deep in human heart
Seekers of peace still called coward 
Settling issues by tip of a sword
Or with the barrel of a gun
Not to mention countless barrage 
Of new weapons
A bold choice for many
To defend righteousness 
To rid the world of evil
An eternally glorified path
For fighters and martyrs
Leading straight to Heaven
A call Humanity can't seem to resist or reject !

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Summer Afternoon

Summer afternoon is still hot.
Sun moves in blue sky
Stinging and biting the earth
Silence drifts in and out of mild breeze
Like Earth's heart beating on ventilator
I wish for heat to go away
But it sticks upon white concrete
With dead worms and skeleton bugs
The spark of life that morning sun ignites
Vanishes in afternoon heat
Nothing seems to be moving
In that pensive and harsh landscape
The only soft touch comes from a pink Hosta
Its green foliage
Limping to survive the heat
A glint of light flicker among leaves
As a patch of cloud
Moves in blue sky to cover the sun
A shadow of dark spreads through
Not so green a lawn
Like a giant merciful
Hand to shade the burning earth
A soothing balm for my own weariness
I stand there to watch
A fiery afternoon
Getting subdued
A gladness returning to tired heart.

A Cherub Descends

Lovely day for a Cherub to descend!
Muses get your Cithara out!
Roses bloom and Robin sings
Shaisha stands guard
Where lies the baby Kumar
Parvati shaped him
With turmeric and gold
Silvery dust of moon to adorn
Like a pink cotton candy
His is a beauty to behold
Unmatched in his velour
Pride and joy of his mother
Stands tall with his father
Oh! The waiting grand parents
Not to mention uncle and aunts
So anxious to dole out
A hug and a kiss to blow out
Waiting! waiting! waiting!
An angel is descending

Well! Well! Well!
The bundle of joy is here
May God bless him 
With all the love and care

With hugs and kisses
Happy Grandma

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Mingling with the world
Required no more
Refrigerator loaded
With T.V. Dinner and burritos
An ever new world
Suffuse in television
Looks and talks like us
I touched the screen
Feel of a deadpan
Yet warm as my own hand
So surreal !

Rant Is Permitted

This life is as true as words spoken
Once released becomes a lie spoken

Once relationships were like a rock
A firm support for climbers
Now it feels like a swamp
Still one must wade through

Old love wears out
New ones aren't sturdy

Keep your legs strong
To carry you through
Others' shoulder are strong enough
Just to carry your dead body
In  life on a wheel society
Shoulders are just a cliche

learn to spend some time by yourself
However hard it may be
One can be alone even in a crowd
Yet have great company in a shadow loud

If you can pay for services
Social structure is there for you
Hospital, nurses, doctors, psychiatrist
Food, electricity, water and home
It is pay as you go society
No place like home is also a cliche

Love! What about love?
look at chameleon
Love resembles some thing like that
It is always there if you can spot it
If you can't don't worry
life has many riddles to solve
love is just one of it
Move on............

One more thing
Don't think twice about
What you just read!

Enjoy your summer and your wanderings
Summer's delight falls alike
On sylvan and country side.

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Like wealth over the years
Love accumulates
Like wealth it disappears
Leaving behind longing
And a sweet memory

Thursday, August 8, 2013

An Olive Morning

It rained all night
Slow drizzle like sweet dreams streaming in droopy eyes
Till a thunderstorm bursts with lightning like a bad dream
Eyes open with a shock, traumatized sleepy mind tries to peek in darkness
Lightning provides a terrifying flash of light not to console but to send further chills
I tried to go back to sleep but thunder keeps me awake
The window was open to let the gentle breeze in
Instead it sends shrieking wind with loud noise
Rain and lightning was making the night sinister
I could hear it in bird's sound
It was not the joyful chirping to greet the morning
But fearful wailing
Were their nests rain soaked?
I wondered!

Birds aren't the only one
Millions of millions have their roofs leaking in a night like this
Some don't even have roofs
We cry out for natural disasters
Yet Man made calamities are creating tent houses
Faster than Nature could
Numbers are increasing day by day
Safe areas are barricaded with barb wire
Properties have more value than human life.

All of us struggle to create wealth with hard work and fair earnings
But for some there are no just wages
Only laws to prevent the saturation of wealth
Wealth and power concentrated and consolidated among few
Most accept the system
Not all have the fighting spirit
A day goes by just to make their own living
We see, we hear, we feel the hard ship from a distance
Like drenching rain and  the wailing birds in terrifying darkness
But dark night and rain was still comforting
Strangely and surely moments of peace creep into suffering.

Life offers much more than what happens
In our day to day life
It Offers an olive morning
Extending into azure sky of mid day
And receding in to a persimmon sunset
A desire and hope to live and enjoy the realm of possibilities.
I drift in and out of my senses
The thunder and lightning disappeared
Sun's rays started filtering from nylon mash of clouds
The cheerful energy of dawn was in the air
Rain soaked lawn was looking greener
In that olive morning.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Wisdom Of Time

Custodian of wealth become robbers
Protector of liberty
spy on liberties
God’s representatives can’t find God
Commander in chief is not a warrior
Minority tramples over majority
Leaders scratch their heads
Holding rule book of Democracy
Law of life supersedes all laws
Reality and idealism
Flawed concept of human mind
Rotate in sphere of time
Let spirit of time be your guardian
May the wisdom of time be upon you.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Love Ever Young

Love is never old
Like a wilted rose
It still spreads fragrance
Like a burning incense
Its aura is in the ashes
Like a baby's sweet smile
Upon mother's heart it lies
Even when apart in miles
Love is ever young
For the ones 
Who care to love.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Siren Went Off

Siren went off
Tried to ignore it
afternoon  was floating lazily
Curiosity for outside world at its lowest
still I thought
Tornado forming somewhere
this is the season
Oklahomans cross their fingers
Hold their hearts
And wait
where and what nature's wreath will bring
All watching the gray skies
hoping and praying .....
siren went off again and again
dark clouds were forming
Bright sunshine had disappeared
it was hard to  ignore any more
I came out of bedroom and turned T.V.on
all local channels were active with Tornado news
a big swath of Oklahoma territory  covered with bright red
Our town included in danger zone
I was all alert now
Trying to figure out which way it was coming
And where it was going
weathermen trying to keep up with the massive dark gray of sky
Moving, tightening slowly transforming in to grey tunnel
A moving messenger of death and destruction
Yet creating a thrill for storm chasers
I felt excitement building in my chest
it was far from us
Weather clock showed the time
It would be hitting Edmond soon
One fiftieth, one sixty four, hundred and seventy eight
Familiar street names repeated one by one
Clock was ticking
I looked at my innermost closet
We would need to hide!
the twister was ferocious
sky became all dark
Fierce wind hundred and fifty miles per hour
Commentators were shouting for people to take cover
I was amazed at the exact pinpointing of locations
How quickly it came and passed through our crossing street
Down the street it went crossing highway
the fear, the thrill, the anticipation
All building and subsiding faster than I could think
but we were spared
a sigh of relief passed through my lips
It passed next town and then next town
Before touching down
Uprooting trees
Tossing houses and trailers
Like Lego blocks
Twisted metal, wood, bricks
Clothing, sofa chairs
Scattered all around
Life was simply a pile of trash
we were spared but others were not so lucky
death and destruction was there with the blink of an eye
with horror and disbelief I watched the images on T.V.
the formidable power of Mother Nature
Against the sorrow and despair of humanity
how quickly life changes
Still we pick up the pieces and move on
building, helping, consoling each other
Such is the human resilience.

I started writing just to take my mind off.
as I write this another tornado has hit Oklahoma
A massive mile and a half black funnel
Leveling blocks and blocks of neighborhood
I am simply overwhelmed
Frozen and numb with disbelief
Pray for strength
O restless mind! Just pray for strength!

5.20. 2013

Sunday, April 7, 2013


"All actions become ritual of worship when offered with love and devotion."


I often ask my self what is devotion. Who should I be devoted to? I have been reading Bhagvad Geeta with the group. Lord Krishna often says my devotee comes to me. I wish I could put my faith in the phrase. Don’t we all go to Him? Even though I consider Lord Krishna an avatar, worship and pray to him with my entire heart still I do not know who am I praying to? Krishna the charioteer of life: Krishna the Cosmic Spirit or Krishna residing with in as my eternal self? It is interesting to read and note how Lord Krishna interchanges the word ‘I’ to address him, and also to address The Supreme self or the Self of all others in nature and universe. In other words devotion to one can be extended and interchanged with any one of them.
I have a small place set for prayer with various deity pictures, diya, water, incense and prayer books etc. and pray regularly. Mostly it is part of my routine with out much depth yet there have been times when I become aware of an emotion of deep reverence taking place in a moment of prayer. Some time it is just spontaneous, some time just part of routine and some time a sublime feeling needing an expression bursting as a soft prayer. It needs no receiver, object, or deity. The loving expression contained in prayer reflects peace, tranquility and harmony with in myself as well as around me. The entire world is of calm beatitude at that moment. I look at the little light of diya burning steadily and think our devotion is really to the burning of this little flame of life. It is built in all of us to burn in many shapes and forms. For some burnings are intense and move through turmoils and tribulations of life; for others it might be a little easy but we all are devoted to it in one way or other and we all are responsible to nurture a sense of devotion and for creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony with in us as well as around us.    

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Power Of Prayer

All in all would it make any difference
If God is one, many or none at all
I wonder if some body sifts through
Silent layers of our prayers
Or is it our own barrier
Against life’s formidable despair
Like every day swallowing
A white little pill of Bayer
Take a Bayer and say a prayer
Or no Bayer and no prayer
Happiness lies in
How we reconcile
You and me
Creator and creation
Read a little
Write a little
Listen to birds
Sing your own song
Live alone
Or follow the norm
Brahman, Buddha or Ganesh
Moses, Jesus or Mohammad
Pray to all or none at all
Go to Temple, Masjid or Gurudwara
Bathe in Ganges or be mesmerize at Grand Canyon
But bow with reverence and humility
When ever a little ripple of joy
Washes away the agitations of your heart
That is where lies the power of prayer.

Savita Tyagi
3.30. 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013


किसे याद रखें किसे भूल जायें
अपनों के बीच क्यों ये गैर याद आयें
जानी पहचानी थी वो छोटी सी दुनियॉ
बाबुल का अंगना और सखियों की गलियॉ

वक्त ने बदल ली हमसे छुप के करवट
अजनबी हैं रास्ते अब अजनबी हैं वादियाँ
किसे पहचाने किसे हम बुलायें
धुधंली सी पड़ गयी हैं रिश्तो की कहानियाँ

अपनी समझ के गली में बढ़े कदम
भूल गये ठौर पर वो सांकलें चढ़ी थी बन्द
किससे नजर मिलायें गुफ्तगू करें कहँा
बचपना तो खो गया बेजार हैं जवानियाँ

भटकते रहे घन्टो पीरे दरगाह पर
सजदे किये हजारों मन्नतें भी माँगी
फिर भी नजर न आया वो नूरानी चेहरा
देखते थे जिसको दियो की कतार में

घड़ी थाम के हम तो बैठे थे कबसे
दामन में चाहा था वक्त को छुपाना
खुद ही छुप रहे हैं अब ढलती शाम के संग
धुधंलुका घिरा कब ये नही हमने जाना

कैसी दिवाली कैसी वो होली
रगं पुराने हैं यादों में समाये
पहचान सकते तो पहचान लेते
मगर चढ़ चुके हैं ऐ वतने माटी
तुझ पर भी मुझ पर भी रंग कुछ पराये

किसे याद रक्खे किसे भूल जायें
अपनो के बीच क्यों ये गैर याद आयें ।

अगर अल्फाज़ लमहे होते तो यह हर लमहा हमने जिया है ।

Thursday, March 7, 2013


सत्त्वानुरूपा सवॆस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत ।
श्रद्धामयो अयं पुरुषो यो यत् श्रद्धा स एव सः ।।Ch.17: Sh.3
The Shraddha of every one accords, O Bharata, to the truth of his being. man's very being is Shraddamaya ( Faith-inhering, faith- instinct, faith-essenced): of whatever Shradda
one is, that verily he is.
 The faith of each man takes the shape , hue, quality given to it by his stuff of being, his constituting temperament, his innate power of existence…Gita tells us that this Purusha, this soul in man is as it were made of Shraddha, a faith, a will to be, a belief in itself and existence, and whatever is that will or constituting belief in him, he is that and that is he....
If a man or the soul in a man consists of the faith which is in him... then it follows that the truth he sees or wills to live is for him the truth of his being, the truth of himself that he has created or is creating and there can be for him no other real truth. This truth is a thing of his inner and outer action, a thing of his becoming, of the soul's dynamics, not of that in him which never changes. He is what he is today by some past will of his nature sustained and continued by a present will to know, to believe and to be in his intelligence and vital force, and whatever new turn is taken by this will and faith active in his very substance, that he will tend to become in the future. We create our own truth of existence in our own action of mind and life, which is another way of saying that we create our own selves....
Note: This passage has been taken from 'Sri Aurobindo in Essays on the Gita'
          Sanskrit Shloka and Translation is from 'Bhagavad Gita - In light of Sri Aurobindo' edited by Maheshwar.

Monday, February 25, 2013

We Are Being Watched

This is such a creepy and weird feeling
Unsuspecting innocent hearts
Being watched
Not by police or bandits
Or by hunters of bad credits
We are being watched for our psychology
By the unseen eye of technology
What I read, what I watch
Where I shop, where I stop
Who my friends are
Or if I have any at all
All is gathered in by technocracy
I wonder what market price is fetched
For my unique sketch!
It must be high!
Or may be dime a dozen for my kind!
But imagine for them to display it back
In flashing red colors!
On Facebook or computer
That I should study palmistry
To know my ancestry
Or eat cucumber
To improve sense of humor
And my friend
This is not the only thing to sigh
Look out for that camera hanging high
On traffic lights, stores, and parking space
Some time I feel like making a monkey face
Or sticking my tongue to it!
This is as far as I go in crossing the line of decency!
However I have lot of fun in thinking-
If all the mothers taught their young children
About that camera and its eye everywhere
There could be lots of monkey faces for
A computer genius to handle!
I hope some day techno eye would know
That we are not just www.com
And we do wear pom-pom!

Savita Tyagi

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Snow Flakes Of February

Morning snow
Serene silent and joyous
Falling with a slant
Like silvery strings of wire
Connecting earth with sky 
Soft white snowflakes
Shower kisses upon
Budding daffodils and blue hyacinth   
Hopes and aspirations of spring
Dancing in their young heads
In that pure innocent beauty
No bitterness of emotions
Hiding under the icy cold heart of January
No howling winter winds
Screaming with aches and pains of love gone sour
Soft big snowflakes drenching the earth
In quick succession
Hungry dirt becomes soft and plump
Bare tree branches hold the flakes
In loving embrace as long as they can
This will not last long
February snow fades as quickly as it falls
Magic of young love disappears
Yet like a young maiden
 Motherhood of earth holds in its bosom
 All that love and its fragrant memory
To bring out in blooming flowers.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So I Ran Away

So I ran away
Not knowing how hard it would be, or not caring to know
You pleaded for me not to go
We have something good going on
I know there is a bit of ice on the surface
We are under the weather
But the spring will come
The ice will melt
And the stream of love will flow again
You kept repeating again and again
But in my haste I only saw my need to get away.
I was chocking under the weight of this love forever
Needed to find the little “I”
So I told you
I was going to break away with the past
In that moment of rush I did not stop to find the answer
I packed my things with a pretense of false urgency
Intentionally leaving the things behind
That would remind me of life with you
I stole a glance at your face
Hoping that you would not notice my doing so
I did not want to hurt you
But had to brush aside every thing that would remind me of you
Saying a frigid goodbye, I stole a glance again
To see you standing, leaning against the door
My heart was aching
But I could not dare to turn and watch you crying
Or so I imagined you to be doing as you look at the empty road behind me
We would move on
Again I pretended to be strong and casual about it
Now in my room alone, with my suitcase open
Why do I see you everywhere?
Honey! You want some water?
I hear you say as I open the door of refrigerator to get the water bottle out
Standing in bathroom, brushing my teeth
I hear you lodge a complain in my ear
I hate this toothpaste flavor
Tomorrow I would buy a new one.
Silently I heard myself echoing your words
Changing to my nightgown, I thought
This seems to be getting old; I must buy a new one
I couldn’t bring myself to accept that
I can still feel your hands caressing me through the softness of nightgown
In my dreams I see you again and again
Sitting on the bed holding the phone in your hands.
I hear a whisper floating over the planes of time and space
A faint calling touching my heart
Making me restless
I wake up perspiring
In the darkness of my room
I tried to feel your presence by my side
The phone, the chair, the gown over it, the air out side
Every thing was still and shadowed by the darkness of night
But I felt like passing through a storm
I have spent days wandering aimless on the streets of this strange town
In a daze I walk around stores
Reaching for a dress I hold my hand half way back ignoring the voice stalking me
Why don’t you try it honey
I drink my coffee alone in café, tormented by the screams of my heart
And the deception of my wandering eyes
Trying to lure somebody to join me over my table
In my dreams I feel you beside me
Despite all my efforts to brush your memories aside
You haven’t left an inch of me
Across the mountains over the oceans
You have found your way to be with me
I can still feel the intensity of your love
Of those sweet tender moments
When we were together
The passion that you carried in your voice
When you said
You are mine forever
Not just tonight or tomorrow
Not just in this life but life after life
I would be with you no matter which corner of the world you are in
I had laughed hard on your proclamations
Do you really believe in life after death or reincarnation? I had asked
Why not? Believing in existence beyond the state called Death like believes in the word called Hope
You don’t question its validity- do you?
In my desire to live for the moment
I had paused only for a second to reconcile with your thoughts
Now seeing you in my dreams
Hearing those endless voices
Coming from the corner of my heart
That I never knew existed
I just wonder, is there such a thing as for ever?
Are we united with each other beyond our physical existence?
What lies beneath the conscious moments of past and present?
Was there some truth in your words?
Are my dreams reflections of my desires?
Or is it a solemn evidence of your love
Crossing the boundaries of time and space to reach me
Am I dreaming of you to clear the confused state of my mind
Or is it the stream of your love flowing to its destination on its own accord?
Sweet and cooling as it ever was
Tonight in the darkness of my room I long for you
Tonight pulled away by some magical energy
The past seems to melt away in present and
Melting away with it are all my doubts and my questions
Alone in my room I feel like I have never been closer to you
That loving you has never been so easy
A dense fog lifted from my mind I want to go back to sleep
Hoping to be with you
The distinction between reality and imagination
Has never been so blurred
Dreams have never been so sweet
There has never been a better place to find solace for my restless spirit

Savita Tyagi

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Random Thoughts

Enveloped with Cosmic eternity
Happy and content is my little self
I walk upon earth
Safe and secure
Like a child playing around mother
Oblivious of lurking perils
In shadowy dark

Evil reigns when trust is lost.
Mind is disturbed with loss of trust.
Disturbed mind creates crux emotions
And crooked reasoning
Love walks away from troubled heart.
One can possess comfort and privilege
But trust has to be earned.

In competition all run yet only one winner
In cooperation all walk hand in hand
Each landing support to other
Strength lies in cooperation.

We all work under the bewitching spell of
Nature given Gunas (traits)
These are like spring, summer and winter of life
Rotating and over powering all our actions
The spring light of Satwa illuminates path with love and joy
The summer passion of Rajas lends its hand
In creating and fulfilling the purpose
The decay and inertia of winter Tamas
Forces us to retreat in quiet repose
The tranquil mind that learns
The balance of emotion and reason
Walks through seasons with calm strength
Plays it music upon an instrument
Tuned to its finest beyond rust
This is the yogi mind
Whose guidance we should seek and trust.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


 Storm hits the calm waters
Aching eyes get no rest
Unceasing mental conversation
Rolls out scenario like an old projector rolling out images
Past mid night- past three a.m. nothing but darkness
For bleary eyes
Tear soaked cheeks
That ocean of emotions, swelled by the turbulent phases
Impulse of sorrow beats high in stormy heart
Anguished by its own insatiable appetite for perceived suffering
It feeds on my pain and folly
Sinking deep I try to grapple in dark waters
Here endurance looses its face
Moon lit nights and sunlit days hide from reason
Its boundaries as vast and infinite as my imagination
Shattered and broken I am in that underworld
But stop! Collect yourself!
Go ahead and swim
Call upon to that faith
The innate light of inner strength
Pierce the icy chain of thoughts
Glide back from that ocean of darkness
And reach for open shore
Miles and miles of sunshine awaits there
In its blessings
Wash yourself dry and hold together.