"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Yo! Devil! Depart!

Yo! Devil! Hear me out
This' the season of love and peace
Cries out my heart to bid you goodbye
The pain and suffering that you caused 
No more! No more! And no more!
Humanity demands-
Hear the footsteps of Uriel and Aurora
Descending upon my cove
Lighting the glorious flame of love
See the soot of hatred and malice
Curled out in crushing vengeance
Dissipating from my heart
Yo! Devil! Hear me out
This' the season of love and peace

Your departure is over due.

Wishing all the blog readers a happy holiday season with love and peace.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Prayer For Peace

My heart just a little fragile boat
Filled with love and care so-
Unable to deliver what it holds.

Limited are my means and approach
But prayers have miraculous power
Let your love flow in my prayers.

I am a bird of small wings and limited flight
Let my prayers carry the message of peace
To the farthest shore searching for relief.

Bigger like that of Bar-tail godwit
Let my prayer make an arduous flight to
Bring solace to war torn land and blood thirsty sand.

My heart sadden and full of sorrow
To see the greed and hunger for power
Causing so much pain and suffering.

Indiscriminate bloodshed of young and old
In callous disregard for human life
Is there no way out of this strife?

I fold my hands in prayer and kneel
For peace to settle upon me as much
As upon all the hearts torn with grief.

7. 28. 2014

This was written few months back but never posted on this blog. So often we get disturbed with news from war torn areas. This poem was written in one of those moments. Today I feel the need to pray again. Some time prayer becomes the only solace. May peace prevail for all. 

Savita Tyagi

12. 16. 2014 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Random Thought 0

Grey sky
Howling winds
Swirling leaves
Cinnamon laden waft
From far of bakery
And a sedated mind
Is all that I own.

Of course it's autumn.

Random Thought Xl

Look carefully!
Past is pregnant with future
Present is having labor pains

Oops! Future is having twins!

I just read the History Of Future!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Random Thought lX

One goes to temple in search of peace
Other goes because he is at peace
Third is there to wash his laundry !

And God said: 

I have created a song for each of you
Now you have to sing it all alone 
Others are there to join in chorus.

And the Devil said:

Fear me! The perpetual fiend
Ictus malicious 
Pernicious to your song.          

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Random Thought X

One who is suppose to protect and serve 
Aught to be courageous and compassionate.
But a neurosis of fear and distrust runs
Through the veins of governing power
A fearful and ruthless one in power knows only
How to intimidate, dominate and enslave
With out winning the confidence of people

Such an authority is not fit to govern.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Love's Journey

Fragrance of love pervades alike
The breath of young, old and senile 
In heart full of emotions, like sky full of cloud
A glance, a wink, a flattery of word
Strikes deep like lightening rod
For love- burnt soul the pain
As sweet a cause for delight
As walking in rain facing crystals of ice.

Tonight let her dream for ritual of love
Hold its sparkle in pleading eyes
Let the secret be spoken in shy smile
Intoxicated she is to want it more
In a helpless plight of senses beguile
Suffered in agony when deprived
Blind folded to passion is her mind
Naught know the difference in love and lust
Mingled together like laughter and wine.

But bodily needs aren't enough
To hold on to each other 
Missing in rituals was the hunger of emotion
Lost communication of intimate soul
Hands touching hands yet miles apart mind
Love's nurturing was beyond her thoughts
She could hardly understand its intricacy.

Then one day her love walked out silently
Sadness so visible in his eyes
Goddess of love looked at her disapprovingly
Unable to bear her falsity
She too disappeared hauntingly 
Living alone now she searches for answers
What went wrong?
She had forgotten what true love meant.

Desperate she went on searching
Once indifferent  to world
Now world was stranger to her
Disillusioned she entered a coffee shop
Here is a place one could be alone 
Yet not be alone
What joy is there in being alone?
No body to share your life.

Her wandering eyes searched for a place to sit.
At the far end by the window
Was a lady sitting alone
Sad and weary was her face
Slowly she walked to the table
"May I join you?"
Lady looked at her
Her blue eyes
Misty and cloudy
"Please !" she smiled
Both sipped their coffee
"Being alone is no fun!"
Abruptly said the lady 
No explanation was needed
Blue eyes gave it all away
Her heart knew it all.

A smile was building on both their faces
Comfort they received  
In companionship
Both had stories of a life time to tell
But nothing of that sort happened
Only a smile was exchanged
Their hearts became featherlight
Taking delight in each other’s smile
On cafe window rose
A faint reflection of flying dove
Love had spoken in true form.

7. 31. 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Moon's Child

Night is stygian sans of stars
Dark mood shares kinship 
With black sky of new moon
Moon's jubilant child I am shedding
The gloom under full moon's glow


Halloween a celebration of fun and excitement
Once a year children dressing up 
Mimicking up their dreams of inner being
What amazes their little minds on this day
Gets transformed into reality
It is a festival of witches and goblins
Venturing through the alley of fear
Recounting the heartbeat 
Catching you by last breath
Seeking the dark corridors of unknown
Feeling the thrill in flash and mind
Oh! The reward of adults for passing out 
Those sumptuously delicious candies
Pure joy and happiness bringing back
Memories of what once was theirs 
springs back upon innocent faces
In most innovative yet somewhat similar ways
If it weren't for kids
Only the witches would be flying upon sinister thoughts
Now passing out candy
I hear the jingle merry of fairy above
Sprinkling the stardust lighting up the sky.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Random Thought Vlll

Scripture reading

purpose of reading is not to get away from life
But to derive strength in quiet moments to face life

Search for peace starts from within 
When peace descends
It is not for retiring in seclusion
But to open up to the creative process 
That aspires to bring out what is best in you.

Random Thought Vll


Temperature today
Freezing outside
Sizzling inside.

Talk Show

Fire lit; the kettle whistles  
Moist steam sprayed

Even the windows get warm.

Random Thought Vl

Emotions are to a poet 
What sky is to birds
Of depth and vastness
To venture and explore

In limitless mental flights.

Random Thought V

Random Thought V

Nature created just one law
What comes into existence
Must one day cease to exist
Man creates thousands of laws
In trying to get away from last half.

Body vehicle of mind
Mind vehicle for Nature

Nature vehicle for ?????
Endless debate!!!!!!

Monday, October 6, 2014


Thoughts swooning under
Autumn chill of afternoon
Flowers loosing bloom
Chirping birds return to nest
Dusk falls silent in night's lap.

Lyrical cicadas create music
Crescent moon and I
Silent listener to the lullaby
Being sung for drowsy leaves
Of black oak.

Rain washes the summer heat
Cool and pleasant is autumn breeze

Under twinkling stars of dark sky

Calm kisses the autumn night
Wrapped in sequin of tiny bluets
Earth's robe is still hazy green
Her red and orange dress is being tailored

For fall's show by skilled craftsmen of time.

Privilege Audience

Pushed by the wind a leaf rises high in sky
It dances under blue sky circumventing the trees
Slides through branches and manages to rise again
She is the lone dancer of that evening's performance

I am the privilege audience in time's chosen theater

Sunday, September 14, 2014


A seed was planted
Nurtured for years to come
Sheltered from high wind 
Protected from storm
In time seed transformed
In a handsome tree that bore 
Fruits sweet and succulent 
And cool shade abundant
Looking at it asked curious 
Ones what species is that
Where did we find the genus
What could be an answer better
Than call it gentry of love 

A God's gift imparted to us.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Random Thought lV

Childhood returns in old age
Every little hurt brings a tear and an 'ouch'
No mom is there with a kiss and a soft blow
But time is plentiful to dry those saline drops
Alone, in quiet, without any body looking.

Once the storm is over 
Calm returns as usual
Like nothing happened
Just but a lees of muddy soil 
settled deep upon  psyche.

No pilgrimage is enough to
Cleanse that soiled and dusty heart
Than an arroyo of love and forgiveness.  

Pioneers are sacrificial lamb
With their flash and blood
Paving the way for greater good.

In my old age 
I need a high tech kitchen

No cook required.

Savita Tyagi
August 27th 2014

Random Thoughts lll

No matter how hard we try
Some desires stay unfulfilled
Some work left undone
Some relationship painfully destroyed
Some pride hurt, some integrity tarnished
Better to be happy and satisfied
With whatever little our gains are
And be thankful for life and its provide.

This fear and distrust of fellow being
Encroaching upon our psyche 
A parasite amorphous spread wide
Destroying the love and trust
That builds the human life.

Angry words cut cleaner than sword
No tearing of flesh and no blood to spill 
Yet heart is cut like grass under scythe.

Savita Tyagi
August 29th 2014

Random Thoughts ll

Faith has value 
So does logic
Conformity lets you live in ease
Liberty of thought goes after risk

Opportunity comes
On its on terms
If ever you hear its knock
Have courage to hold its hand
And walk out of the door

Failure comes
Not because one is incapable
But because one sets a goal
Far beyond one’s capabilities.

Savita Tyagi
August 27th 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ancient Wisdom

Vasudhav Kutumbakam - Universe is Family

A concept that springs from
Wisdom of ancient saints 
Put your faith in it and it is true to its core 
Revealing an eternal truth in guidance
Expanding narrow corridors of heart

Just like one puts faith in a deity
With a votive of light and litany
Believe in it and it invokes
Finest emotions of reverence 
Don't believe and it is just a stone 

Sa Aham ( That I am )

You! The abode of Universal Spirit
Believe in it and its unlimited power
Not to believe is like being a product
Of some mechanical principle
A mere robot sans soul and heart.

Monday, August 11, 2014

A Larger Identity

It is not enough to have our own identity.
Our individuality, just one layer, a small brick
In a multilayered cosmic structure.
We are part of a bigger world 
And wish to be part of that larger identity.
To be a mother-father, brother-sister,
Son or  daughter or a friend and relative
Is part of accepting that greater identity.
A social activity related to the service of others
Is rewarded by a sense of elation and stimulation.
In an environment where wider consciousness
Of a larger community is overlooked
Sense of oneness is diminished.
A segregated individual starts to 
Suffer from malice of loneliness 
Holding an insecure place 
In large body of universal existence.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Know Thyself

Know thyself
Rhythm of your body 
Like moon's phases 
It goes through a cycle
Deep with in your psyche
Rising and falling tides
Of joy and sadness
Vibrant or sluggish
Depressing or sunny cheers
Moving in and out 
In rhythmic patterns
Like seasons changing
Overlapping in Nature's 
Enormous field of action
Our bodies mini Universe
Go about with ingrained blueprints
Of high and low energy
Like pendulum swinging
Influenced by outer push
But not subservient to it
Attuned to our inner world
Seeking harmony in mind and body
Reigning our inner instinct wrapped  
In duality of conflicting emotions
We learn to deal and let go
Seek a higher ground
Rise above your own violent waves
To move around with more ease
In a world full of bitter discord 
And ruthless tendencies.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Faith backed by intuition
Gives us courage to venture
In life's uncharted territories
It cuts through fear and distrust
To break new grounds for reason

It's the luminosity of sun
Brightening the heart
Not the darkness of night
Blocking the aspiration
Faith responds to a silent inner call 

Thundering loud in a seekers mind
Not a prisoner of proof and facts
But a hunch rooted in our deepest being
A terra incognito that has yet to be 
Seized as knowledge for intellect.     

Through faith the knower in us
Walks believing in his steps
Inspired for a journey Ultimo Thule
Worthy of perusing against
All the perils and folly

Faith a gift of finest quality
A shield of each individuality
In the struggle to overcome 
Old beliefs and prejudices

To have unimagined done.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Writer's Block

Troubled sleep 
Drowsy subconscious
Lost lucidity of 
Silhouetted dreams

Creativity itinerant 
Like weeds otiose
Wading in idle water

Words labor upon mental 
As rain drops drip from leaves
One at a time after rain

Hope clock chimes upon
Sedated mind’s will to discern
The thoughts shape less 

To seize upon abstruse
Lifeless images streaking
Across screen to no avail.


Monday, June 9, 2014

Not Too Long At A Fork

If indecisive when roads cross on
Follow the path that you are on.

It may not hold the charm of newness
To tickle your adventurous senses,

May but holds the comfort of familiarity
To save you from unknown hostility.

Once decision made to your heart's delight
Follow the path aimed with all your might.

Detrimental is not the fork but standing
Confused and still too long at a fork.

A road carries many secrets to explore
Infinite resides in its bosom to adore.

Swaggering the road sans hesitation

Leads you slowly into desired perfection.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Little Memory And Tribute To Maya Angelou

" Here root yourselves beside me.
I am the tree planted by the river,
Which will not be moved,
I, the rock, I,  the river, I, the tree
I am yours—your passage has been paid.
Lift up your faces, you have a piercing need
For this bright morning downing for you.
Maya Angelou 
'On The Pulse Of Morning'

12. 3. 04
Maya Angelou’s above passage that I copied from some where is close to my heart. So is the Shloka from Taittriya Upanishad. The striking similarity though not so apparent still touches a cord somewhere together. So I decided to copy the verse from Taittriya Upanishad again. This way I can enjoy both together whenever I open my notebook. My note book is becoming a collection of many small things that come to my rescue whenever a crack appears in my whole being. Every now and then I feel the need to touch my soul, to go beyond my mundane activities, beyond the logic and reasoning of mind to create a calmness around me that is not dull or boring or vacant or lonely.

“ I am the stimulator of the tree of Universe.
My fame (glory) is high as the peaks of the mountain.
High and pure am I like the essence in the sun;
I am the power and the wealth, effulgent with intuition;
Intelligent, imperishable and undecaying am I-
This is the sacred recitation of Trishanku after he realized the truth.”

अहं वृक्षस्य रेिरव । कीर्तिः पृष्टं गिरोरिव ।
ऊर्ध्वपविञो वाजिनीव स्वर्मतमस्मि ।
दर्विणग्ं सवर्चसम् । सुमेधा अमर्तोक्षितः ।
इति ञिशड़्कोवेदानुवचनम् ।। "


This morning when I heard the news of Maya Angelou's passing away, all of a sudden I remembered the above page from my note book. It is from the time when I read English poetry and our Sanskrit scripture side by side. I still do! Just decided to share this page of my note book. Rest in peace Maya Angelou. You gave much peace to world.
Sanskrit Shloka and translation is from Swami Chinmayananda's Taittriya Upanishad.

Savita Tyagi
5. 28. 2014

Thursday, May 15, 2014

In Pursuit Of Happiness

It has been said and heard by us again and again
That cause of our misery is our desire
To relive suffering we must crush desire
Rooted in our ego sense
Is it really ancient wisdom or 
A dilapidated skewed up misconception ?
‘The nonbeing breathing to become being’
‘Saw desire sprouting as first seed of Cosmic mind'
On wings of desire Supreme self flew 
To reside in life's bosom 
To enjoy and experience 
What the nonexistent was deprived of.

The desires that we fulfill bring self pleasure and joy
Equally causing pain are the unfulfilled desires
The blaming game goes around in search of cause
We could blame external factors
Fire, mudslide, earth quake, tsunami
Or any of Mother Nature's calamity 
And be angry with whole creation.
Or pick upon bad timings or bad rules 
And be despondent and rue
In blaming society and surrounding.

Or we could introspect and blame ourselves
Our poor skills and inability 
For aspirations to achieve
What is beyond our reach 
Goaded by others to do of what we have no clue
There by planting seeds potted in sunny ambitions
Watered well with greed and frustration.

Now it is not the desire that needs to be blamed
It is us not discriminating and understanding 
Before running after temptations
So before you try to chase your tail like a dog
Pause for a second and prepare yourself
Of success and failure equally
No desire small or big will have power
Upon you to make you unhappy.

We have this built in will and impulse
Throbbing in our hearts to be joyous
Working through a calm, blissful and hidden entity
An offering and a contract supreme self made
With all of us to pursue happiness unequivocally

Albeit with wisdom and sincerity.

Monday, May 5, 2014


Two partners tie a knot
To live their lives together
The spirit of cooperation
Competition all there
Love and envy play their part too
Anger and distrust is there
So is sense of security
Instilled deep in traditions 
Love grows in hearts pledged 
To each other for seven lives to come

Life keeps rolling
System worked fairly well
Accepted by many for its assured ease
But nothing is perfect
Time changed the balance
Benefits shifted towards power
Weaker side lost in power struggle
Mutual respect vanished
Love extinguished
Some survived the rocky journey
Yet many had painful destiny.


A million reason to abandon your love
Yet just one to stay 
Does commitment rings a bell?

Till death do us part
A vague memory
like a fat white cloud 
floats in blue sky
Its visual appearance all but dull
But hidden there are millions of vapors
All pointing to one thing
Water is always there
Its shape and form invisible
Love travels through many channels

To thrive and abide in commitment.

Friday, April 25, 2014

April Snow Flakes

In a sudden outburst 
Snow flakes fall
swirling, dancing, flying
Silently filling the garden
In a dazzling show of beauty
In wonder and amazement
I watch the rare snow fall
For a minute even think of
Flowering buds 
Loosing the bloom
And worry about climate change
But the sentiment vanishes quickly
It would be a crime 
To let any melancholic thought
Weight upon this wondrous moment 
When Nature's tranquil beauty
Spreads in all its glory upon 

This crazy April morning.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Hill And A Cloud

On a bright sunny morning 
Sun a mile closer than plains
Greets me with added warmth
A silver polished peek against blue sky
Seeks to mate with terrestrial  cloud
The cloud descending on gorgeous hill
Whispers the bliss of heaven
Hill in return raves about earthly pleasure
Held together like body and soul
In rapturous embrace
They create ecstasy
Of beauteous love
Their union mesmerizes all
Yet none could hold the other long 
Much to their chagrin
Baleful wind breaks the silvery embrace
And tears the cloud away
His promise to return
Echoing in thunderous rain
Hill's gaze as always
Fixed upon its vanishing love
Waiting, enduring, longing
Such is the love's destiny
For keeping the beloveds apart
Accept that beautiful union 
For ever is immortalized 
In my heart.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Rain Drops

Sky opens his cloudy gates
And rain drops slip 
Like a little child running to
Seek the world of thrill
As soon as mother slides
The back yard door wide.

Little water bubbles 
Float in small puddles
Scattered raindrops
Jump on concrete floor
A show of dancing manikins
Cheering their birth and demise
In a moment of flowing time.

Soothing is rain 
For a heart laden with pain
Water streaming in a rhythm 
At par with theatrical manikins
subdues my chattering mind
In a calm silence.

Rain stops and clouds move out
Leaving the earth wet and fresh
Sun shines on ivory rose petals
A tiny rain drop flinches
Fights a loosing battle
It's blissful existence
Vanishes in front of my eyes
To become a nebula in amber sky.

Southern breeze shakes the rose bush
The little rain drops slip and slide
Playing the last game of their lives
I put my palm under a leaf 
To catch one shivering petrified drop
My love lick becomes a kiss of death
The icy form disappears on my lips.     

The cool touch stays with me 
Sensitizing my inner being
Some day the little rain drop
Will return to float in my eye
As a warm tear drop to cure my blight.

Written on 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Random Verses


We have to care enough to be our best
We have to dare enough to be that now
Today’s work decides tomorrow's outcome


Trees striped bare naked
Of fruits, flowers and leaves
To face the frigid winter
Intense loss gives renewed strength 
To start over in life again


Highway is no ocean
Yet many lives are lost
In reckless motion
Drive your four wheels
With caution.


Fate can bless you
By default or curse you
By default if it chooses so.

Your Ship

You are the captain of your ship
Steer the wheel with caution
Understand the power and limits
Of what your ship can do
Bear in mind the effects of wind 

Current, swell and momentum

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

To My Anonymous Lover

Note: The poem below is written by Valsa George, a renowned poet from India. I enjoyed it a great deal and with her permission putting it on for my blog readers. For more of her poetry visit her page at the poetry site of PoemHunter.com
Savita Tyagi

To My anonymous Lover

Some where in a strange land
An unknown heart throbs for me
Etching an amorous graffiti
On the blank walls of my mind
Where ever I am, I feel a pair of eyes
Fondly surveying and scanning me,
Speaking to me in silence
And keeps me awake in the night
I feel it all, all hear it all
Filling me with a sweet ache!

When night birds croon in the woods
And their mates answer the serenade,
When the moon begins her somnambulistic walk
And light beams percolate through pine needles,
And the hundred eyes open in the blue heights
To watch over the sleeping earth,
When the whistles of train is heard far away
And its music wanes into a monotonous drone,
When the rooster makes the first clarion call
Breaking the serene silence of the night,
When glowworms float in darkness
Like cruise ships over the sea,
When night gales shake the slender coniferous trees
And wind whistles among their leaves,
When sailing clouds blind the stars
And the night turns into an ebony shade,
When the opening Jasmine secretly exults
In her own exotic scent,

Sitting in my dimly lighted room
I draft this message of love
Pouring all my warmth into it
Thus emptying my love laden heart
That blazes with fire of love
And encode it in cryptic script
To be mailed to you my love!

Oh, it might take much time
Better it be a whispered endearment
Sent through this perfumed night breeze
That shall carry it from this end to that end

So kindly leave your window open!

Wish you all PoemHunter members A Happy Valentine's Day !!

Valsa George
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Frightening Dream

A huge python crawls in dream again
Massive shadowy figure of long grey serpent,
Moves with tremendous force in cold obscurity.
From my mythological memory I recall of Vasuki *
Shiva's faithful companion,
A garland of grace and beauty
Wrapped around his blue neck so gingerly.

Tonight he wasn't there
As an accomplice of ocean churning
For seekers of immortality
Tonight he was an ordained employee of death
In cold blooded merciless cruelty
Destroying and devouring all
What was built with love and care.

Walls and bricks fall all around
Dust and smoke blind the vision
Choking me out of my breath
I stood there in darkness
Shaking and trembling
Oh! How I wished to save just a little nook.

A silent prayer, a wishful thinking
Echoed in fearful heart
Hope of a tiny dwelling to be spared
Amid the fallen debris of rocks and iron
His coils and fangs will have mercy
For a little room where the most delicate  
The most helpless of all
A little innocent life lies
Blissfully unaware of lurking danger.

Just then I break away from sleep
All apprehension of that fateful event stops
A sense of relief takes over
Akin to when an earthquake shakes every thing
But in a next moment of afferent sensation
When the earth becomes still
One feels oneself alive again.

Fear grips my heart
A wakeful consciousness
Still disoriented,
Entwined with truth and illusion
Haunted by the vivid memory
Of a terrifying, wretched moment,
Struggles to regain and recompose.

For now all is calm in dark night
In quiet submission, whatever was spared
Stirs back to life again
Cobra wraps in his coils whoever
Or what so ever it wishes to wring
And leaves the rest unscathed.

Based loosely upon a dream.
Savita Tyagi

* Vasuki is the name of a snake in ancient Indian literature.