"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Random Verses


We have to care enough to be our best
We have to dare enough to be that now
Today’s work decides tomorrow's outcome


Trees striped bare naked
Of fruits, flowers and leaves
To face the frigid winter
Intense loss gives renewed strength 
To start over in life again


Highway is no ocean
Yet many lives are lost
In reckless motion
Drive your four wheels
With caution.


Fate can bless you
By default or curse you
By default if it chooses so.

Your Ship

You are the captain of your ship
Steer the wheel with caution
Understand the power and limits
Of what your ship can do
Bear in mind the effects of wind 

Current, swell and momentum

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