Words are like flowers.
Each one gives its own fragrance,
And imparts its own beauty.
In their depth
They can be like an ocean
Or shallow like dry beach sand.
In their intensity
They could be the color of red
Or the color of white in their purity.
Or contain the rainbow of colors
To invoke our utmost sensual
Pleasure and admiration.
A good linguist knows
How to tie the words of different
Color, depth and fragrances
Into a vivid bouquet of language.
One can just admire the bouquet
Or one can look at each flower
To know it’s own truth of existence.
To know the grace and fragrance
It carries to enhance the beauty
And charm of the bouquet.
Savita Tyagi
11. 24. 2020
One of my friend in our Upanishad study group sent me a quote from George Carlin. It reminded me the verses of Kena Upanishad. Later these ancient and modern quotes below about language became my inspiration for this poem.
‘There sight travels not, nor speech nor the mind.
We know it not nor can distinguish how one should teach it’.
Kena Upanishad- Shlok 3
That which is unexpressed by the word,
That by which the word is expressed,
Know that to be the Brahman
And not this which men follow after.
Kena Upanishad- Shlok 4
‘By and large language is a tool for concealing the truth’.
George Carlin