"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

An Old Hawk On Steroids!

An old hawk flies high on steroids,
But of youthful instincts he is devoid!
Soon runs out of his artificial fuel!
Now nothing to perk the old mule,
A flop on hacienda he can’t avoid!

Limerick Form

An old hawk flies high on steroids,
Of youthful instincts he is devoid!
Soon runs out of his fuel!
Nothing to perk the old mule,

A crash landing he can’t avoid!

A Prayer To Mahi (The Goddess Of Vastness)

Sunset spreads its wings upon my time
O Poetry! I haven’t learned your rhyme.

To you, O Mahi! I offer my voice
But my words are of a poor choice.

Even my thoughts are obsolete,
Express nothing new or concrete.

The beauty of yours, I do not understand
Depth of an emotion I can’t comprehend.

Grounded in shallow waters I remain,
Diving in the deep sea waters, I refrain.

The breath of creativity is faint and low
Dim is the light of inspirational glow.

Still, Bharati parted me the joy of writing
So thankfully I submit to it without fighting.

I pray to Goddess with a solemn heart
My words are of your high command.

Let your grace fall to create a little jibe
Upon my ignorant being to catch a vibe.

Note: Mahi or Bharati is the consort of Goddess Saraswati. The word Mahi characterizes the vastness of the field of word and speech.
Sometimes it is used as another name for Saraswati, the Goddess of  Language, inspiration, and creativity. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Face To Face

In cold antechamber 
I face stern darkness of the heart.
A test for my endurance
To dig and polish my raw

Stone-like Self that mimics You. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Nonexistent Is Not The Dream’s Reality

Touch me from a distance
Hold me but in my dreams.
There exists not
Barriers of time and space.

Nonexistent is not the dream’s reality.
Key for decoding
Lies farther in the deep hollow 
Of the inconscient.

Touched by a 
Fathomless entity,
Heart deciphers mystical
Love hieroglyphs.

Light of clarity  
Shines upon my perplex mind,                                                                           
Like moonbeams in the puddle.

Savita Tyagi

Monday, October 14, 2019

O My Soul! Lost Are Thy Footsteps!

O my soul! Where is thy gentle healing touch
That caressed me.
Why do I feel so dry?
Like a dry log that has been put on life’s pyre
To burn and burn....
Warm ashes, now left to become cold,
To be scattered with wind of time-
Pinch by pinch....
Lost are thy soft footsteps of love
That guided me.
Stripped of your light
Moon and stars plunge in darkness.
All went astray but a dull aching memory.
It carries on…
Receding in Chaos.....
O my soul! Will you hold on to it?

Savita Tyagi

Note: The above poem was published in a anthology ‘ One Step At A Time’ by the Group ‘Poets Unite Worldwide’. publisher- Fabrizio Frosini.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Being A Senior Citizen—

I think I want to go back to basics,
With just enough energy for tactics
Needed for my everyday living, don’t
Have time to dissect all my yearnings. 

No more pondering on world problems.
The world existed before my little birth,
And is going to stay long after my sojourn.

Only heaven one creates is within oneself-
A saying worth millions, 
Yet needs heck of a determination!
For me, no more dwelling on lofty concepts.

I marvel at life’s simple wonders, am
At leisure to coalesce my emotions,
To watch the pendulum of my heart 
Swing or be still to its own rhythm…..

I do want to keep my jovial urges 
Ticking in every fiber of my being
Feeling His grace upon each breath,
That I am able to take.

I like my unhurried time to watch
Squirrels hop around yard,
My audience to the tiny bird’s 
Sweet song from green arbor.

Let me just pay my ritualistic 
Homage to the rays of radiant sun,
Take a walk in the golden sunset,
Watch the silvery gleam of crescent moon
And be lost in the mystique of star studded sky.

I would never want to lose my smiles 
To see and greet a friend’s face or
Hide my excitement for a friendly voice.
To enjoy a beautiful poem or get lost in
It's ravishing thoughts and enchanting words.

Yes I want to go back to basics

Don’t have time for intricate gambits! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A Plant Succulent

Life without poetry and literature is
Like a sheet of cake without icing.
So dull and colorless.
My thoughts like sugar sprinklers
Decorate my cake.
Blessed we are to be given a packet
So uniquely filled to enrich our lives.
Oh! But my packet is getting empty!
Content all used!
Much of it lost or wasted in my folly.

In my hour of desperation 
Someone touches me softly.
Points me to some new yawning.
Look around! Look hard!
Remove the wrapping!
Dig deeper!
Not all your shelves are empty!
There is still so much you haven’t used.
Be innovative! Be creative!

Well, maybe it is right in front of my eyes,
But, I just can’t find it!

A Voice assures me again.
Have you ever seen a succulent plant? 
Deep within you is a Being just like that plant. 
Rising upon a dry hard surface
It draws its sustenance from distant sources.
Like from a pipeline invisible,
Riches of life siphon from it,
Drop by drop for you to collect.

Trust yourself!
When you feel obtuse 
Like a plant succulent 
It is there to enrich your life.
Always, till your last mortal breath.



Monday, September 2, 2019

Few Lines From Savitri Il An Epic Poem By Sri Aurobindo

The selected lines below are taken from Sri Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri- book I Canto Four- The Secret Knowledge

Sri Aurobindo was a nineteenth-century poet, philosopher, mystic yogi, freedom fighter and visionary from India. August 15th is his birthday as well as Independence Day of India.

I am posting them here for their poetic beauty and the hope and aspirations that these lines provide to the future of humanity. 

Savita Tyagi

Even when we fail to look into our souls
Or lie embedded in earthly consciousness,
Still, we have parts that grow towards the light
Yet there are luminous tracts and heavens serene
And Eldorados of splendor and ecstasy
And Temples to the godhead none can see.

A Shapeless memory lingers in us still
And sometimes when our sight is turned within,
Earth’s ignorant veil is lifted from our eyes;
There is a short miraculous escape.

Our Soul can visit in great lonely hours
Still regions of imperishable light......
And calm immensities of spirit space.

In the unfolding process of the self
sometimes the inexpressible Mystery
Elects a human vessel of descent.

A presence is born, a guiding light awakes,
Or a revealing Force sweeps blazing in;
Out of some vast superior continent.

A greater personality sometimes
Possesses us which yet we know is ours:
Or we adore the Master of our souls.
Then the small bodily ego thins and falls:
no more insisting on its separate self,

It leaves us one with Nature and with God.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Few Lines From Savitri An Epic poem by Sri Aurobindo

The selected lines below are taken from Sri Aurobindo's epic poem Savitri- book I Canto Four- The Secret Knowledge

Sri Aurobindo was a nineteenth-century poet, philosopher, mystic yogi, freedom fighter and visionary from India. August 15th is his birthday as well as Independence Day of India.

I am posting them here for their poetic beauty and the hope and aspirations that these lines provide to the future of humanity.

Savita Tyagi

" Our early approaches to the Infinite
Are sunrise splendors on a marvelous verge
While lingers yet unseen the glorious sun.

What now we see is a shadow of what must come.

The earth's up-look to a remote Unknown
Is a preface only of the epic climb
Of human soul from its flat earthly state
To the discovery of a greater self
And the far gleam of an eternal Light.

This world is a Beginning and a base
Where Life and Mind erect their structured dreams;
An unborn Power must build reality.

A death-bound littleness is not all we are;
Immortal our forgotten vastness
Awaits discovery in our summit selves;
Unmeasured breadths and depths of being are ours.

Sri Aurobindo

Sunday, August 11, 2019

It Is The Best In Us Uplifting The Worst In Us

        Spirituality Is About Individuality

Spirituality is the buzz word for the new era.
It is fashionable to be spiritual.
It brings the best out of an individual.
Being religious can put you in the lowest denomination 
But being spiritual suddenly elevates you
To unimaginable height, here and beyond the worldly sphere.

So very often I have thought 
What Spirituality really is?
Is it the zenith of humanity,
A beacon of light for the world full of suffering? 

So closely related to religion, still beyond the reach
It is from any religious dimension.
It’s a question long-standing in isles of history
Eons have passed, without an answer satisfactory.

Is it the label suited for the best of humankind?
For the one who fights the devil of a perfidious mind.
But what reveals to me like a flashing light
Makes me believe, it is meant to be in par
With the thought, that occurs to me.

Spirituality is about individuality.
It is the individualized center of our 
Very own essence, nexus of our reliance
On our innermost Self as our primary friend, 
Our guide and our cherished companion.

In the heart of all existences abides
The eternal portion of Supreme existence.
Complete in itself yet clandestine and 
Obscured in our outward personality.

When confused and delusional,
Reaches out to it our outward self.
In the silence of our heart and mind,
We wade through the chaos of duality,
To bring about the best of humanity.

In faith and devotion, we learn
To recognize its true guidance.
One who suppresses its call
Is the destroyer of its own well-being.

The best of our Self tailored to our needs
Living in harmony and conscious awareness
Of other’s individuality and spiritual being.
It is the best in us uplifting the worst in us.

Sunday, April 21st. 2019 

The poem was published in the anthology "About Abel And Cain"- “ The Best And Worst Of Human Society”. Publisher Fabrizio Frosini/ Poets Unite Worldwide.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Let’s Pray Together

My two feeble hands rise for prayer,
I sense million more hands rising for prayer.
Power of prayer is in our united hands,
Power of a Nation is in its united citizens.
Let us stand together to face this tenebrous time.

Let’s pray together.....

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Dancing In The Rain

‘Round her creamy lucent face
Her white silken hair
Flush like electric wires 
To collect fluorescent rays
From the flowing light of time.

The moments of past
Twist in her memory
Like her knotted long hair.

When night descends 
She closes her eyes to step lightly
In the archaic city of youth,
To sing and dance on an empty street.

Falling raindrops weave pearls in her hair
And shimmer on black charcoal path.
Streaks of silvery wire slip from her
Moon beamed face to her organza dress.

A shy girl dances to the beat of raindrops.
The thundering clouds pour their
Electric fugue into all her veins.
Like a peacock in the wild she sways 
And swirls for the pleasure of her own soul.

Rhythm of time touches it peak.
Waves that kissed the farthest shore
Recede to silent depth of ocean.
The drums of time fall heavy on her chest.

Morning sunlight streams through blinds 
Air flows with optimism. 
Mentally she creates new dance steps 
To perform in her room behind closed door,
Only to be abandoned by a passive will
And the weaning strength.

She opens the door
To feel the winter chill.
A squirrel digs up an acorn,
But the song bird has flown away!

Savita Tyagi

The above poem was published in an anthology 'From Past To Future' by Poets Unite World Wide/ Fabrizio Frosini.

At Rest

Search for Origin 
Is a point where atheist
And believers meet.

A heart glad in devotion
A mind tired of inquiries.

Form: Tanka

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Limerick 4

In an old town called Sussex
Was a scamp of prefix.  
For the names he devised
Someone for him surmised
Trump The Worst as his suffix!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Weight Of Goodness

Last year we planted some lilies.
In our ignorance drenched them
With access fertilizer wishing to 
Have good flower growth.

With the start of the spring
The plants became green, 
With tops covered with buds.

May brought the heavy rains and storm.
I watched lilies bent all the way down.
Once the golden sunshine started to spread
I supported them with extra dirt.

Now the lilies are at full bloom
And bent again all the way down.
I watch the cluster of lovely flowers
And regret giving too much fertilizer.
Wishing and praying for the plants
To not break under their flowery weight.

Beauty and virtue,
Goodness and fruitfulness
Carry their own prolific weight.
Try not to burden yourself or 
Appeal to goodness of others 
Without giving them time to 
Become adequately prepared.

If led upon the path of goodness
Teach yourself to bend humbly
To carry that extra weight,
Like lilies bend with big flowers.  

Savita Tyagi


Saturday, June 1, 2019

Senryu 30 ( Life And Death)

In death throbs life breath.
Orange peel imparts fragrance.

Hermit meditates.                        

Monday, May 20, 2019

Out of The Dream World Into The Peace Of A Silent Night

Dark dense Jungle-
Wild and fierce energies of
Weird, frightening images are visible all around.
I am petrified with choked in voice.
My waking consciousness tries to take over
By calling out Hari’s name but fails.
In dense darkness shine
Three points of light.
My inaudible voice
Calls out again and again Hari’s name.
An Instant shield of protection is erected!
The fear disappears.
Surface consciousness takes over.
I whisper slowly Hari Om to actually test out my voice.
All seems well.
So glad to be out of the horrid dream world
Into the peace of a silent night.

Savita Tyagi

4. 13. 2019

Living On Serried Moments!

With each poem that I write,
I think of it now as my last poem!
Finally I have learned-
What living happily, on serried moments,
One at a time, means!

Savita Tyagi
4. 16. 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and kids.
Life would be empty without this love potion 
Passed on from generations to generations.
You are the beauty of garden as well as of wild.

Even a cloudy day seems full of sunshine 
With your face bright with smiles.
It hails in defiance of a sunny day
When tears swell your crystal eyes.

To all the sons and daughters I say
I am what I am because of you all.
At one end of my rope I hold the love
Of my mom and mom's alike, 
At the other end I am held by your love.
