"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Monday, October 14, 2019

O My Soul! Lost Are Thy Footsteps!

O my soul! Where is thy gentle healing touch
That caressed me.
Why do I feel so dry?
Like a dry log that has been put on life’s pyre
To burn and burn....
Warm ashes, now left to become cold,
To be scattered with wind of time-
Pinch by pinch....
Lost are thy soft footsteps of love
That guided me.
Stripped of your light
Moon and stars plunge in darkness.
All went astray but a dull aching memory.
It carries on…
Receding in Chaos.....
O my soul! Will you hold on to it?

Savita Tyagi

Note: The above poem was published in a anthology ‘ One Step At A Time’ by the Group ‘Poets Unite Worldwide’. publisher- Fabrizio Frosini.

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