"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Time And Convictions

No philosophy, no creed, no belief stands alone
In cradle of time are born many circumstances 
All influence to develop and shape our thoughts 
Changing times give birth to new convictions.

Greatest is the power of time towering high upon each mind.

Savita Tyagi

Vrandavan, Krishna And Devotional Music

On our way from Delhi to Agara
We stopped by at the town of Vrandavan.
I closed my eyes for few seconds to transcend
The street view, dotted with Krishna temples,
Hotels, guest houses and meditation centers.

Gokul, Vrandavan, and Govardhan Hill’s by river Yamuna
Are places collectively called as Brij bhumi in north India.
The centuries old Vrandavan at the edge of Yamuna 
Was once the lush mystical forest of sweet holy basil.
It is referred in devotional music of India for generations.

Here song birds broke the silence of night to greet dawn and
Peacocks danced with descending clouds to welcome rains.
Cows and other animals grazed upon lush greenery and
Cool waters of Yamuna murmured a truth of spiritual energy
Echoed in sublime soul stirring songs of blind poet Surdaas.

Here Gopal Krishna had spent his childhood days, took his
Cows for grazing and played the sweetest music on his flute.
In that enchanted forest when flute music floated under moon light,
His childhood sweetheart Radha and Gokul’s Gopas and Gopis
Gathered around their beloved Krishna to sing and dance in glee.

His past time activities and childhood events have been
The biggest source of inspiration for songs sung by poets, 
Saints and devotees alike, shattering the boundaries of
Folk and classical music of varied languages in India. 
It runs in India’s religious and cultural veins like river waters.

Krishna- a man of magnificent and miraculous personality
Is considered an Avatar of Supreme Consciousness.
But it is the Raas-Leela of Radha-Krishna, symbolized as
Play of Divine with it’s Supreme Energy that evoked the
Imagination of poets all around to continually sing about it.

Legend has it that the poet saint Chaitayan Mahaprabhu
Roamed the forest transcending the physical planes of mind. 
In the periods of heightened ecstasy he was united with
Supreme Consciousness and sang of those experiences.
That timeless music filled the streets of Vrandavan and is a
Valuable part of Indian music literature still inspiring devotees.

Below is a song in Hindi and it’s English translation 
Depicting another devotional poet Meera Bai’s 
State of mind absorbed in Krishna consciousness-

एैसी लागी लगन मीरा हो गयी मगन 
वो तो गली गली हरि गुन गाने लगी
महलों की पली बन के जोगन चली
मीरा रानीं दिवानीं कहाने लगी।।

“Meera was so taken over by the ecstatic love for Krishna
That she wandered in Vrandavan singing praises of him.
She, the princess born and raised in palace roamed on streets of Brij  
She, the queen of a kingdom is now a crazy ascetic merged into
Krishna consciousness.

Poet’s notes:

Vranda- Sanskrit name for holy sweet basil
Van- forest
 Gokul- a small village where child Krishna was raised.
Brij Bhumi- land area of Brij. It’s spoken language is called Brij Bhasha. It is a form of Hindi language used in that area.
Gopas- cowboys
Gopis- cowgirls
Gopal- caretaker of cows. Another name for Krishna
Raas-Leela- playful romantic gestures often depicted in songs and dance forms.

Savita Tyagi

9. 7. 2018

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Dream World

Mysterious world of dreams
A whimsical pile of volutes 
An indulgence in cosmic vibes

Always comforting beyond belief.

Check Your Stomach For What It Can Hold.

War or peace 
Great price to be paid for both
Check your stomach
For what it can hold.
Harmony of peace is not exciting 
But blasting cannons of war 
Are deafening

It’s horrors will make you sick.

Ways Of Compassion

Pain is the worst enemy of free and happy self,
Extend a healing touch to yourself
As well as to others whenever and however you can.
Mysterious are workings of compassion 
When used to help others 
It helps to relieve your own pain more than anything else.
Evil are the ones who torcher their own self

Blocking its ascend to universality.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Too Much Rain Drowns The Crop!

All our life we are taught to live by mind of others.
Society calls them experts.
Fake or real they are hard to differentiate.
Like weeds they have learned to grow everywhere.
Find them culling your mind with fear, authority and persuasion.
For its own ease social structure likes to have thousand hands,
But very few minds to rely on.

So if you don’t have faith in any higher power
Believe in it just for this reason. 
If It wanted this world to be governed by just few minds
It would have made most of us mindless with strong hands. 
But it endowed us with a beautiful mind and body
And blessed us with finest skills of survival.

Though eternity it never promised,
It does promises peace and bliss to our soul
That dwells in its eternity, 
Don’t let the fear exploit you
In surrendering your freedom of mind.
Believe in yourself.
Be grateful for this amazing mind and body
And be kind in sharing your gifts with others
Together we can make a difference.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

In Golden Years

Hocus-pocus is life without a focus!
But why worry at all! 
With sleight of a hand
I drop my guards to wing wild.
Let the whiff of wind take me
Wherever it may.
Beyond these vales and valleys 
Lies a world of my imagination 
Far more enchanting than any 
Man made goals and deadlines.
Sounds like a good choice? 
Of course! But this freedom comes
only past the retirement age!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Autumn Joy

Rains have washed trees clean
A coolness spreads everywhere. 
Grey clouds above look so sleepy
Like tired comrades after night duty.

A tiny butterfly
Hovers on white Jasmine
Its autumn blooms offer last
Nourishment in service of life.

Butterfly upon flowers
So pure and white
So is my joy watching it

Drink elixirs of life.

Senryu 29 (Jaded Heart)

Mixed like mist and clouds 
Loneliness and solitude

Bell my jaded heart.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Hurricane Michael Oct 2018

Hurricane Michael Oct. 2018

It is so quiet here after few night’s of rains.
Even the breeze blows today without a whisper.
Overriding the calm face of Nature, wrapped
In blissful silence, my thoughts wander upon
Beaches of Florida.

The astonishing images of horrific rampage against
Restive view of my backyard press in awe upon mind.
So terrifying to imagine life and livelihood
Of that area destroyed by Nature’s wrath.

The fierce power of nature hurling hurricane and
Tornadoes destroyed every thing along its way.
The world that we call our own, like every thing
Here owned by us, lies crushed and rumbled in
Matter of seconds.

Hurricane Michael goes down in history as 
The worst disaster hitting the American soil.
A reminder of Nature’s supremacy challenging
Human pride and arrogance in a menacing violent 
stroke of one black night.
I stare quietly in my yard rich with greenery 
Silvery sunshine spreads a message of hope
My thoughts waver between grief and gratitude.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dumbfounded I Am!

This world is a riddle!
Dumbfounded I am!

It’s getting cooler.
Geese are flying in an array.
Stored in their tenacious memory
Is their destination.
No time to waste-
For season is about to change.

Slanting her neck
In polychromatic sky
One of them looks at me
Go home! It’s about to rain!

Dumbfounded I am!

For life is a riddle

Random Thought 52 (Despair and Hope)

Beauty is transient!
I accept that and really
Do not care how I look now.
Feeling good is also transient 
And that is a hard thing to accept!

O! Despair! Game of solitaire!
Bid goodbye to night, sweet
Morn will again be amazing!
Even after billions of years

Morning sun is still a pot full of gold!

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Krishna Janamashtami

Today is The festival of Krishna Janam Ashtami.
This morning I thought of my eldest brother.
The festival decoration used to be a time of excitement in our home.
My eldest brother's creativity on that day would swing in full force.

The Mathura jail, Krishna's birthplace was made with cardboard box.
He would design the river with actual water flowing
With most up to date electrical gadgets available.
A figurine of Vasudeva holding baby Krishna in basket would be placed in there.
The forest of Vrandavan was created with mango leaves and twigs.
Mountain of Goverdhan was made with pebbles and stones.

We all kept fast, had a fruit and lemonade to sustain us till midnight
And kept ourselves busy whole heartedly with an amazing excitement,
Lending a helping hand when ever we could to set up the Jhanki,
As these decorations depicting life events of Krishna's life are called.

On day of Krishna Janam Ashtami these Jhankis are set at many places
People visit temples and family homes to watch, admire and celebrate.
Since Krishna was born in jail, on this day jails are specially decorated.
At night visiting local jail to watch Krishna-plays performed by prisoners
Were one of the high lights of the evening still reverberating in my heart.

At mid nigh Krishna Janam was done by Amma behind a curtain held by us children.
Grand finale, Arti, prayers and Prasad with the most delicious food.....
The good old days flash back in mind.......

Happy Krishna Janam Ashtami

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Corrupt Leaders

Corrupt leaders will bring a 
Country down faster than
Honest ones can rebuild it.

One who has no ethics to follow
And believes all is justified in 
Love and war-
Wins neither love of a heart 
Nor victory over countrymen.

A sad and painful saga of moral decay 
Unfolds to destroy a society when
Vice takes over virtue.

8. 6. 2018

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Origin Of Word God

In substance a much adored or abhorred 
Praised or criticized is the word God. You 
May recall your faith or logic in justification 
For your much valued path of emancipation.

Now to put all this path controversy aside
Not siding with any belief to that you abide.
Here is some interesting information complied,
To you, just for the sake of curiosity supplied.

God- The English word is identical
With Good- The  Anglo- Saxon word 
So the divine goodness is praised
Where ever the word is spoken or heard.

Some believe to be touched by it in heart
Walking angles they become of sort.
Searching deep something else was found when
Walking back to word’s Indo-European house.

Its related ancestor form ‘Hu’ meant ‘ Invoked One’
Found in most ancient Sanskrit scripture Rigveda.
Puru-huta and Ahuti the two words related to it, used
In Yagna to make devotional offering to Supreme Being.

Invoking Supreme Being In a ritual worship may
Mark word God of Pagan origin disliked by many
But the essence none the less is of strong benefit
To receive God’s grace for all humanity as plaintiff.

No matter what name we give to our deity
Or how we adore It at our place of worship
The prayers we offer must be sincere adoration 
Filled with love and affection for his creation.

To me God is the Great Omnipotent Doer
Residing in each and every cell of Nature
Working through each of us for higher purpose 
In evolution of time It or sh/e is an Absolute Eternal.

Sanskrit- Considered the most ancient of all Indo-European languages.
Rigveda- Most ancient book of Sanskrit language.
Yagna- an ancient Vedic fire ritual for invoking God’s grace still prevalent in Hindu ways of worship.

Inspiration for this poem came from an article I read long time back

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Let Winter Snowflakes Fall In Summer

Once in a while let the imagination run wild
Next to being silly it is the best solution
For an Imprisoned soul's nifty restitution.

From the narrow confines of human body
Let your mind take the flights of sonic boom
Upon the purple fancy's plumage gaudy.

Let Big Bang splash rays of violet
Upon the world of its own making
To grow mushrooms for rainbow hacking.

Brew your coffee under lightning while
Moon hides and giggles under sheets
And stars run to tingle the ivory ceiling.

Let winter snowflakes fall in summer
And sorrow's lava extinguish the ocean
In the game of life be a whimsical runner.

Best of all write for fun with no need to rhyme
And no need to excogitate
Let your mind be free and out of cage.


Friday, July 27, 2018

Random Thought 49 (Morning Reflection)

World still charms me as much
As the unexplored caves of self.
Here between faith and reason 
Swings my heart and mind.

7. 18. 2018

Seeking For Unknown

In search of You I move around
The quest never seems to end.
A lost soul-
I am knocking on your door.

Worldly challenges I took
And accomplished what I could.
‘A little bit of everything
But a great deal of none.’

Emanating from various forms
And designs is your hidden face
Limited time I have to navigate
Through these million waves.

This seeking placed by You in human mind
Comes too in various forms and kinds
Evolves with nature’s demand 
On place and time.

What mattered yesterday 
Matters not today.
What matters today will soon 
Become a thing of past.

So I live with what matters to me most
A  day spent in peace reading poems.
It’s a day where search for You ends.
It has resemblance of Your hidden face.

7.14. 2018

Unfinished Task

This strange sense of unfulfilled task
Occupies my mind and spare time.
Standing behind a solid wall-
Not capable of breaking the barrier-
Not able to take next step-
I ponder over my inadequacies. 
An arrogant will not aware of limited capacity
Heeds not any wise counseling 
Flies high on waxed wings!

You who brought that light of life out from your dark womb
My restlessness to receive    that light
Peels away the norms of satisfactory life.
Darkness encircles me
My best is never enough
Even to cast a dim light
Upon the dark corners of my heart.
O! World O! life
This search, this cry seems imbecilic 
Yet this sense of unfinished business
Lingers in my broken bones.
Like a waterless Cloud with silvery skin 
And grey passions, I weather the storm.
This strange sense increases day by day
Even in dreams it doesn't leave. 
But a hope I cherish with each breath.
I hear the words inaudible 
Inciting me every morning-
Walk on roads unmarked
Stand at the edge of broken clouds
Search for ever new patterns 
Touch the faces unrecognizable. 
Across each writing that seems ambiguous and ill-legible
Feel the sense implied,
Connect with its  synergy
To find a way, to learn and to know what is hidden
Away from eyes.
Get rid of this diminished sense of worth
That vitiates you from living.
Be happy 
Be satisfied 
That you can still dream
Still walk 
And still explore.....
So take the next step.......
And move into unknown..... 
In the setting of evening sun
See the jagged clouds 
Dazzling like diamonds.

7.13. 2018