"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Yoga Of Work

First aim of work is for survival.
Second is to satisfy our ego.
Third is to fulfill responsibility .
Fourth is to enjoy work itself.

In first stage is hidden the path of 
Artha or prosperity that is attained
By working towards survival and 
Fulfillment of life's basic needs.

The second fulfills the Kama or desire,
Achieved through excellence in work,
And having pride and glory of success.
A luminous summit for ego's satisfaction.

The third path leads to love and righteousness. 
Goal of Dharma- expressed through work.
Work that is selflessly performed for others
Out of love, devotion and duty.

Work in its final stage brings liberation, 
When work is enjoyed for its own sake.
That is Moksha - enjoying life simply through
Taking part in it and enjoying its movement.

The four noble aims of life are fulfilled
By staying on path of Karma or action.
This world is a place for action. 
 It is Geeta's Dharmkshetra and Kurukshetra.
This yoga of work is the Vedic Yagna, 
Performed every day by all of us in life.

Note: In its teachings Geeta places high value on performing actions. All our actions progressively bring joy and happiness in life through various ways.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pillar Sound ( Sthambh Naad )

In sleep from deep with in 
Words resonate like a mantra
And disappear in a blink.

Like a sound coming from a pillar.
En echo coming from a mountain, 
Or a thunder breaking the clouds.

Awaken I repeat the words, 
In lingering bliss full silence. 

Soon it vanishes from mind
Like waves returning to sea.
Stirred and fascinated I remain at shore.

Mystified and in awe of you
' I see you from my hiding place '
(छुप छुप कर मैं देखती तुझको) 

Too weak to know you  
Yet you are there
Night and day with me.

You are the (Jyotir Linga- ज्योतिर्लिंग) 
Pillar of fire that none can see its end or beginning. 
You are the lion face Narsingh- नरसिंह. 
Coming out of pillar to kill Hirnakashyap (हिरणाकश्यप) 
Giving protection to Prahlaad (प्रह्लाद) .

You are there for us in time eternal.

4.19. 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Fun With Haikus And Senryus ( Free Form )

These Haikus and Senryus are by no means perfect but still depict Nature's beauty and human out look towards every day happenings.

Haiku Triple

3. 17. 2016

It snowed all day long
A snow covered St.Patrick's day
No green to parade. 

3. 20. 2016

Just days away from spring 
Winter’s last breath is heavy with snow 
Palladium earth greets the spring.
3. 30. 2016

Like an unkind master
Winter inflicts pain with ice and sleet
Life bears and blooms iridescent. 


For a shrewd politico
Words do not make a promise
Just after election trash.
Story telling is a
Trait of salesman and politician
Not of a true leader.
Eternal heaven
Hope's last destination
Elusive mirage.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Colorado Snow ( March 2016 )

Few days into spring it snowed heavily,
Forecast of three inches turns into twenty!
Beneath the snowy peak of mountains,
Snow collects every where like white dust.

It covers the lawns and roof shingles,
Sticks to vacant bird nest on tree tops,
Drapes the bare brown bush stems,
Tall aspen and fallen pine cone shells.        

It rests on patio railing and furniture,
Fills the empty flower pot and dog house,
The street, the side walk and garbage bin,
And piles on front door to lock me in.

Soon sky, clouds and mountains,
All merge in a grey panoramic view.
Like the spirit of a bearded master it hovers
Upon the vast and gorgeous mountain valley.

In brooding, towering silence of cold night,
The earth wears a cloak of lustrous white.
A strange, mysterious and comforting thought of
Gray matter seems to reign the entire landscape.

Life can be harsh and foreboding under 
Its shadow, but resilient people have learned
To live and enjoy this treacherous habitat.
Here the cold misery hugs the warmth of beauty.

Young and adventurous love and seek 
The thrill of life in it's dangerous happenings.
From indoor I admire the whole tranquil view,

But a prisoner of comfort dare not venture out.