"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Flash Thought ll

The world was availed to me
I put my heart and soul in it
Thinking it is mine
It took my heart and soul 
And disappeared.
There is freedom in being alone
Loneliness is a curse upon that freedom 
Like death few will relish it 
To have a partner
Give a bit of your self.
Life is like silent waters
High or low tides of time 
Create waves in ocean
A wise sailer enjoys equally

thrill or tranquility.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Even in failure I feel so relieved!

Yes! The mega task-
Taken few weeks back
Of creating another poetry book
Ended in total disaster!

It's been almost three years
Since I created my first book.
An adventure it was in self publishing!
Not only it was a very satisfying experience,
With the cost so reasonable, I was thrilled
To gift my first book to family and friends.

It was a milestone achieved in my poetic journey,
Which to this day still continues,
Albeit with bumps and glitches.

The fun of learning and 
taking up a new challenge 
Is what I thought I could do again.
Specially since blocked inspiration and
Lost creativity is what has been plaguing me.

Not writing any thing has been like 
Not visiting my inner most chambers. 
Like missing a special friend
Who refuses to meet me again.

Holding and displaying another one 
Of my own book, while waiting
For the muse to bestow her grace,
Made the idea so very appealing,
That I didn't mind the hard work
Of doing it with out a guided software.
I was even pleasantly surprised to discover
The level of concentration that kept me going.

Many weeks of reading instructions,
Learning the forgotten use of margins,
Gutters, and indentations, 
Editing and formatting old poems and
Copying and pasting to create a PDF file,
All kept me so involved
That even the crisp, bright sunshine
Of gorgeous November weather
Couldn't snatch me away from computer.

Finally the book was submitted for auto review.
But the appearance was not to my satisfaction.
There were issues needed to be resolved.
Auto formatting was a miss match for content.
Correcting mistakes created even a bigger mess.
The whole project now looks a total disaster!

Tired and weary I realized 
That if I want a new book 
Either I have to take some help
Or start all over again.
Which ever route I take, for time being
My book project is on the hold! For now
I am relishing this feeling of liberation!
A weight lifted from my shoulders!
Even failure has its own rewards!
It brought me back at my writing again!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Mom's Point Of View

Here is why Hillary has trouble attracting Millennials!
This is the age group who rebels most from parental authority.
Specially Mom's!
Seeing a mom and a grand ma running for president- 

Their reaction- Oh! No! Not Mom Again!

Note: As election frenzy heats on we find some thing or other to laugh, to be amused!


Two mudslingers got into mud packed fight 
Their slip and slide created such blight
The pot maker ran away to Gibraltar
Now there isn't a pot for the water

They better hide their black faces in night.

Note: Inspired by presidential debate 2016.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

A Mother's Call

You are my first thought of the day 
When eye lids open
I see you behind those lids
And send a prayer for your welfare.

Distances are crossed 
The day becomes blissful
When offsprings appear 

In dream for added joy!

Note: As Soon as I woke up this morning my youngest son came to mind as my first thought of the day prompting me to write these few lines. Later this afternoon I took a nap and just before waking up a clear vision of one of my son was in front of me. So clear and distinct that I pinched my self to know if it is a dream or a reality! If I am awake or still asleep!
The love bond between mother and children envelops us with such a joyous feeling! Some time  so unexpected and mysterious but always precious!

9. 10. 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Waves And Thorns ( Tanka Series )

Waves And Thorns

Some time I feel like 
Questioning everything,  
But find no answers.  
Does it reflect my deepest  
Hidden dissatisfactions? 

Storm churns in ocean  
From a distance the movement  
Of waves is serene. 
Sunset spreads a ruby glow
I sit in a quiet trance.

I watch a squirrel 
She rolls over in dirt bath!
cajoles a young one!
Their playfulness spreads a wave
Of mirth into my heart.

Learn to live with thorns. 
Often it comes from your bush,  
This is how it works. 
Tired of working to dissolve. 
Even a little thorn hurts. 

I eat too much 
My stomach rebels!  
I eat too little  
My sugar goes down! 
What a nuisance old age is!  

Need a long long rest.
Somewhere in oblivion,
On the higher grounds-
Above the slippery slopes

There is a paradise.

8. 21. 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Longing For A Cool Breeze

No sun and no air
Just sweltering humidity 
Like an unwanted thought
Troubling mind and body
And you- like an caged bird
Fluttering to escape 
The heat, the sweat, the discomfort
The sleepless night.....
Trying to push it with all your might 
But failing to do so......

Longing for a cool breeze....

Sunday, August 7, 2016


Terrorism has no religion, no creed
No nationality, no caste and no heart.
Just a radical maneuvering of war rules,
Based on poisonous thoughts, masked
In human mind of countless identities.
An acid thrown with vengeance
Upon decency from hands unmarked.

9. 28. 2015

Edited on 8. 7. 2016

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Bird’s Chase And A Bee’s Flight

On one of my morning walks when the
Day felt ignoble and routine, suddenly
A black bird with a coarse shriek came
Flying violently in air above my head.

Her plumage looked wet and unkempt.
She was preying upon a wasp or a bee.
The spunky wasp flew with all its might.
In a duple' time the chase was over.

The distraught bird probably heavy with
Damp feathers had lost its battle for food.
Today the bee won the fight for her survival.
Tomorrow she may not be so lucky though.

But for now she can be grateful and rest
In the shady crevices of oak branches.
I watched the weary Grackle too, taking 
Shelter in the opposite cluster of pine needles.

The frenzied atmosphere returned to vacant             
And languid idleness of hot summer morning,
But not before it made my regular walk under 
Cerulean sky a bit more exciting and of a show wild.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Love Binds Us All

It was through love
That I was taught to 
Care for my self.

It was through love
That I was taught to
Care for others.

I owe it to that love
To care for myself and
To care for others.

It was with love 
That I cared for you
It was through love

That I taught you to care
For your self and
To care for others.

Love binds us all
Through generations

May it always stay strong.

7. 25. 2016

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

On The Crossing

On the corner of a busy intersection where six lanes meet,
I waited anxiously for my brother to pick me up on his way home.
The evening was dry and warm, with an acrid stillness in the air.
The cars with blaring horns sped by me on a hot charcoal road.

I moved closer to a small Neem tree for some shade,
And looked at the unfamiliar area with a little unease.
That is when I caught the little girl's eyes scanning me.
She drew my attention with her bright and curious smile.

She and her siblings were sitting on their haunches,
Circled around a copper-face woman, engrossed in                
Roasting some legumes on a wood burning fire pit.
The children waited patiently for their meager meal.

I looked past her round figure and quick moving hands.
Down the descending land near drain channel the space was 
Filled with homeless refugees living in and around torn gray tents.
The features of the little girl proclaimed the group’s distinct identity. 

Her Tibetan smile was as soft, jovial and innocent
As the falling snow flakes at her mountain home.
Here in the land of billions she was one of millions
Making her home on street corners and open lands.

Her eyes displayed no recollection of the memories
Of homeland that she left behind at a tender age.
She was probably unaware of her home and culture
Being destroyed by systematic ruthless expansion.

She was too young to understand what future held
For her or for countless of young children like her.
Still she was a lucky one to have her mother and sibling ( I presume )
And to live in a group that afforded some protection to her.

From snowy peaks to burning desert sands, refugees are 
Forced to flee from war, violence and repressive governments.
Uprooted and demoralized, they endure hardship and oppression.  
The world agonizes over their suffering but is so unable to cope with it.

We who come across them by chance are stirred  
And shook up for a while but offer no answers. 
Standing there troubled by my own uneasiness 
I too offered nothing but a mild exchange of  smiles.

Note- This poem is in an anthology book recently published by ' Poets Unite World Wide'. The book ' ' By Land And By Seas ' contains poems written by more than 50 poets from more than 40 countries   highlighting Refugee's plight. The book is available on Amazon.com under Frosini group of Poets.

Savita Tyagi

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Life! Simple Or Complex!

Some are lucky to be able to live a simple life
While for others it is never with out complications. 

May be it is their own complex personality 
that makes every thing so dam complicated.

Some waste all their life trying to find a purpose
Others don't lose a minute of sleep over it!

But none can deny its existence or persuade 
Others to accept life in simple or complex terms.

Yes! At final departure one can be rest assured that

All questions will cease to be for want of an answer!

Haiku 15

Soft breeze fills the lawn
Yellow sick leaves dance to fall 

birds nimble on fruit. 

Sun And Dew Drops ( Haiku 13, 14 )

Winter sun breaking
Through glass creating rainbow
Shoes for fancy's flight                

Sheared tips of glass blades
Holding lustrous dew pearls in
Back yard oyster farm.  

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Full Moon ( Haiku 12 )

full moon orange bright
I went out to squeeze and sip 

Moon beams poured on rocks.

5. 21. 2016  

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Haiku 10, 11

tornado spirals
rain dance exhilarating 
far out death drum beats                                    

a dog cries and barks
Crescent moon dips in black clouds

Jasmine fills the air   

5. 9. 2016

Note: Tornados had hit Oklahoma again last night. While the death and destruction in communities affected by them is sad and heartbreaking, the night becomes quiet and beautiful after the storm passes, inspiring me to write these late last night. My heart felt prayers for the communities facing nature's wreath and calamity.                                       

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Yoga Of Work

First aim of work is for survival.
Second is to satisfy our ego.
Third is to fulfill responsibility .
Fourth is to enjoy work itself.

In first stage is hidden the path of 
Artha or prosperity that is attained
By working towards survival and 
Fulfillment of life's basic needs.

The second fulfills the Kama or desire,
Achieved through excellence in work,
And having pride and glory of success.
A luminous summit for ego's satisfaction.

The third path leads to love and righteousness. 
Goal of Dharma- expressed through work.
Work that is selflessly performed for others
Out of love, devotion and duty.

Work in its final stage brings liberation, 
When work is enjoyed for its own sake.
That is Moksha - enjoying life simply through
Taking part in it and enjoying its movement.

The four noble aims of life are fulfilled
By staying on path of Karma or action.
This world is a place for action. 
 It is Geeta's Dharmkshetra and Kurukshetra.
This yoga of work is the Vedic Yagna, 
Performed every day by all of us in life.

Note: In its teachings Geeta places high value on performing actions. All our actions progressively bring joy and happiness in life through various ways.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pillar Sound ( Sthambh Naad )

In sleep from deep with in 
Words resonate like a mantra
And disappear in a blink.

Like a sound coming from a pillar.
En echo coming from a mountain, 
Or a thunder breaking the clouds.

Awaken I repeat the words, 
In lingering bliss full silence. 

Soon it vanishes from mind
Like waves returning to sea.
Stirred and fascinated I remain at shore.

Mystified and in awe of you
' I see you from my hiding place '
(छुप छुप कर मैं देखती तुझको) 

Too weak to know you  
Yet you are there
Night and day with me.

You are the (Jyotir Linga- ज्योतिर्लिंग) 
Pillar of fire that none can see its end or beginning. 
You are the lion face Narsingh- नरसिंह. 
Coming out of pillar to kill Hirnakashyap (हिरणाकश्यप) 
Giving protection to Prahlaad (प्रह्लाद) .

You are there for us in time eternal.

4.19. 2016

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Fun With Haikus And Senryus ( Free Form )

These Haikus and Senryus are by no means perfect but still depict Nature's beauty and human out look towards every day happenings.

Haiku Triple

3. 17. 2016

It snowed all day long
A snow covered St.Patrick's day
No green to parade. 

3. 20. 2016

Just days away from spring 
Winter’s last breath is heavy with snow 
Palladium earth greets the spring.
3. 30. 2016

Like an unkind master
Winter inflicts pain with ice and sleet
Life bears and blooms iridescent. 


For a shrewd politico
Words do not make a promise
Just after election trash.
Story telling is a
Trait of salesman and politician
Not of a true leader.
Eternal heaven
Hope's last destination
Elusive mirage.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Colorado Snow ( March 2016 )

Few days into spring it snowed heavily,
Forecast of three inches turns into twenty!
Beneath the snowy peak of mountains,
Snow collects every where like white dust.

It covers the lawns and roof shingles,
Sticks to vacant bird nest on tree tops,
Drapes the bare brown bush stems,
Tall aspen and fallen pine cone shells.        

It rests on patio railing and furniture,
Fills the empty flower pot and dog house,
The street, the side walk and garbage bin,
And piles on front door to lock me in.

Soon sky, clouds and mountains,
All merge in a grey panoramic view.
Like the spirit of a bearded master it hovers
Upon the vast and gorgeous mountain valley.

In brooding, towering silence of cold night,
The earth wears a cloak of lustrous white.
A strange, mysterious and comforting thought of
Gray matter seems to reign the entire landscape.

Life can be harsh and foreboding under 
Its shadow, but resilient people have learned
To live and enjoy this treacherous habitat.
Here the cold misery hugs the warmth of beauty.

Young and adventurous love and seek 
The thrill of life in it's dangerous happenings.
From indoor I admire the whole tranquil view,

But a prisoner of comfort dare not venture out.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Random Thought XXX

Standing up for yourself is,
The first lesson that we have to learn. 
However if we wish to stand up for others,
There is a second lesson we have to learn
Sit down for your self...
Each time we fail...

We learn it a bit more with humility.

Monday, February 22, 2016

A Voter's Choice

Can you be strong and not be violent
Can you be assertive and not be demanding
Can you be forceful and not be dominating
Can you be visionary and not be a dreamer.

Can you be a listener before becoming a talker
Can you be an observer and a learner
Can you be appreciative and not critical
Of the foundation laid down before you.

Can you respect diversity
Honor and respect those
Who walked a different path
In search of same ideals.

Can you inspire and not be an obstacle
Can you find a middle ground
In search of solutions overlooked
Not be an extremist and hold on to prejudice.

If you aspire to be all that
Then you are worthy to lead
Be a leader of this great nation
And you have earned my vote.

Author's Note:

The above poem is part of an anthology book "Time To Show Up: Poets For Democracy.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Faith And Religion

One and same it's not
Religion is confusing 
Faith is comforting!

Religion is man made
Ideology in constant schism
Faith is a gift of divine 

Ideology leans on scepter
For realizing higher potential 
In faith one finds its own way.

In faith I bow to divine.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Life Is Your Valentine For A Period of Short Time

There is an element of bliss     
In all the workings of life 
Be it of joy or suffering to our eyes
It exists independently universally
Irrelevant to our feelings and emotions
Uninfluenced by our experiences
Jovial are the words of grief and happiness
Whose understanding comes to rest
Upon equality in dealing with duality
Our joy and suffering are wrappings
Marked upon life's golden box
Sometime dazzling as dawn azure 
Or dark as night sans moon and stars
Intense is the touch of these wrappings 
Upon our hearts and mind hiding creation's
Secret purpose beyond our understanding
Ambrosia of life drips in movement of time
Death rejuvenates it like hourglass 
Reversing it self to start all over 
Life agrees to be your valentine 
For a period of short time
Enjoy her partnership in these
Moments so blessedly thine.

Happy Valentine Day To All

Saturday, January 16, 2016

New Year 2016

Peace and joy to you 
Is my new year's
Chosen fondue.
May it's good taste linger
Through out the  year.

Leaping flames of sorrow
And fire works of joy
Mingle side by side 
In new year's night-sky
Space embraces it all.

Random Thought XXlX ( War )


Nature hires man
To do her dirty job
Of death and destruction.

Man  beseeched by
Grief and anger
Causes an explosion.

Saga of war and terror
Keeps on going.

Random Thought XXVlll ( Clashes )

Like tiny stars in Galaxy
We live in our circles
Imbued with our 
Attractions and repulsion.

Stars scan the universe
From their place 
So do we with news 
And information. 
Occasionally two mighty galaxies clash
The sky lit up, the earth trembles
Undetected many new stars are born 
Before the universe goes on to be quiet.
Random Thought XXVll

10. 16. 2016
8. 34. Am
Just heard 
An old friend 
Passed away today.

Old friends and old memories
Old cloths and old habits 
Old habitats and old ways 
Provide such comfort
Hard to let them go!

10. 22.2015

Stop and go writing
Basketful of emotions
Scant time for sorting

First strike and you get it right
You think it just happen might
But the period of trial and error
Is what we need to go through 
And perfection becomes marrow.

11. 8. 2015

Time makes sense of every thing
Time makes every thing nonsense
Time leaves no remnant to collect.

Random Thought XXVI ( Logic And Faith )

In search for answers
Logic walks for miles and miles
Finds the old man faith 
With a grin on face
Rest in my arms O! weary one

Your search ends in my embrace.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Terrorist

The terrorist - Raktabeej* malicious 
Born of his own spilled blood -
In wicked human minds, devoid
Of humane and pious virtues
Respects no boundaries and
Recognizes no barriers in cruelty.

A terrorist has no religion, no creed,
No nationality, no caste and no heart.
Harbinger of poisonous ideology,
Masked with countless identities,
It’s an acid thrown with vengeance
From unmarked hands upon decency.

He tramples upon nobility of thought,
Rooted in human mind that nurtures
Instinct of freedom and compassion.
He longs to extinguish the light that
Embraces the art and literature to breathe
Life upon alter where love is worshiped.

Let us protect the light of altruism
That burns in millions of kindred hearts,
From a much despised ruthless invader.
Let us allow wisdom to block the terror,
To rise in solidarity with like minds,
Invincible and strong like a solid rock.

Raktabeej was an Asura ( demon ). His story comes from ancient Sanskrit book Devi Mahatamyam. Whenever a drop of his blood fell on battle ground a duplicate of him was born. It was only when Goddess Kali devoured the blood drops before letting it fall on earth that Goddess Chandika and her companions were able to destroy him.

The poem above is my humble contribution to the ebook 'Poetry Against Terror'. to read more poems written in support of terrorism victims by sixty four authors from forty three countries please down load the ebook from amazon.com. Please check out the previous post for more details.

Savita Tyagi