"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Poetry Against Terror

Recently I took part in a poetry/anthology ebook project ' Poetry Against Terror ', launched by Dr. Fabrizio Frosini. Sixty four writer/ poets from forty two countries expressed their thoughts and concerns to raise awareness of terrorism and its affects from various angles. It is some thing that touches all of our lives in one way or other. While there are no easy solutions for it, the book is written simply as a tribute to show support and solidarity for the pain and suffering of countless innocent victims and their cause.
The ebook is available through Amazon. com. to down load. Below is little more information about it.

Wishing all my readers a happy holidays and a happy new year filled with peace and joy.





Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanks Giving To All

Much is wrong in the world
News casters would never
Let us forget it. But then again
Much is beautiful in this world
The people who love and care
For us would always remind us.
Much is always there to feel down
And disappointed. But then again
Something is always there to bring
A smile on face. On this Thanks Giving day
I would rather think of every thing and
Everybody who makes life beautiful.
Be thankful to all who bring joy and happiness.
Wishing peace and love to all readers of this site.
Even from a distance you have become a part of my life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

When Old And Young Are Together

Playing around 
Little boy and grandma 
Talk ceaselessly
Some time to each other
Some time above themselves
Their strings of imagination weave
A web beyond the sphere of reality.

11.7. 2015


For the sake of old times
Grandma goes on slide
Sitting behind two year old.

Her screams brought by sudden
Fright and sheer joy took toddler
By surprise.....
Scared and distraught two year old decisively
Puts his little hand on Grandma's round belly.

No! Grandma! No go on slide!
putting an end to grandma's next round
Of thrilling return to childhood!


A Yard Full Of Leaves

Anemois are fierce today
Attacking from all directions
Carrying orders from Thanatos 
Life must go alike out of  
Woods, valley and bower 
Rodents scuttle to go underground
Birds take off on long journey
And men stock their shelters
Anticipating season's change.

Wind shook the tree branches
Like acute cough shakes the
Sick, old skeleton facing life's end
Leaves that in a spectrum of color once
Made the trees look magnificent 
Graced the vines in arbor
And swept the forest in fluorescent beauty
Flew in all directions released
To have a short taste of freedom.

They danced on streets
Romanced the waterways
Churned silence with nimble cadence 
And fell upon earth in heaps 
Filled the ditches
Covered the lawns
And brushed against window panes
Jovial and free spirited.

Submitting to the brutal assault
Of wild Boreas and Notos
They are the harbinger
Of season's change 
Almost numinous in their gentle
Reminder of Life's finite moments 
There isn't a graveyard 
As humbling and serene
As a yard full of dead leaves.

11. 12. 2015


Nature feels sober
On this cloudy fall day
Sunny morns winding down
For chilled mornings
Leaves, in a spectrum of color
Roll over ground like
Sleeping ballerinas roll in bed
After a night’s performance-
Limp and timid. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Early morning
Lucky ones still cozy in their bedding
Moon in west bright and beautiful 
travelled all night just to cover the distance
From eastern front to my back yard
Its silvery light filtering through trees
The spread of light and shadows 
Soft as silk upon cold grass
I took few steps barefoot
Soft grass and cold earth tickled my feet
Short evenings and long nights
Fall is here 
Night creatures have stopped screaming
An unfamiliar sound travels from a distant 
Could it be frogs croaking....... I doubt.....
Moon is descending behind tall oaks
The grass, the fence the grapevine
all turning dark...trees look mysterious
Tonight will be super moon lunar eclipse
Moon wanders around my house 
In endless cycles  
Like life going through a new phase
In different times at different place
Stars follow its queen in celestial abode
Soon all will disappear in sunlight
Nature moves in cycles for eons
Life moves only one way for us 
It rises to move downhill
Where moon descends and descends
But sun stops rising…….


Playful Moon

It is the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
In Middle East the moon feels so close
You could easily make it your friend.

For instance when I took a walk 
In warm and dry desert night 
Upon brick pathway of housing compound 
Moon above played my childhood game.

In a back and forth short walk of about thirty feet
It would change its position three four times
Jumping from one roof to other in zagged fashion.
I swear he played hopscotch all along!

You know the way we played in our childhood!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Lunar Eclipse

Glorious moon round and luminous
Upon the large canvas of black sky
A dark patch creeps in to cover
It on its side as I step out side
Like a gray thought arriving from
No where to cover the jovial mind
Slowly the patch on moon got bigger and bigger
First quarter, then half, soon three quarter
And most was eaten up by earth's shadow
Its radiant life energy being sucked by Ketu
Now looking like a piece of smoldering coal
Covered with soot here and there
Still flaming bright on its thin visible edge
A fascinating sight forever pinned to mind
A phenomena not to be repeated for long
For peace seekers the umber disk of
Exquisite beauty spreads calm and peace
As for passionate lovers apart
A burning fire ignites their hearts
For some its a new beginning
Bringing hope and optimism
For others a transfixed moment of
Ravishing beauty in timeless cosmos
A symbol of love and nurturing-
The celestial Selene.

9 27.2015

Rahu and Ketu are demon of Puranic stories. They attack Sun and Moon during eclipse time to take revenge.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Grandma's Advice

When frustrated and stuck in a hole
Pick yourself up with a small goal
Told me my wise old grand mother
Patching a fabric on worn out sweater.

Pick up some small pinning
Make a salad or white pudding
Take a walk, ring up a friend
Fly a kite or do rope jumping.

Simple pleasure and no arrogance
Like zephyr filled with fragrance
Like a blue bird sitting on a fence
Brings beauty and meaning to life.

Staying involved is never easy
Not every company feels cozy
But isolation is more detrimental
Loving life and yourself is essential.

Not every sunrise is glorious
Or each sunset harmonious
Some days are sure lackadaisical 
Still life is full of sweet wonders.

9. 10. 2015

The New Colossus Closed for Restoration!

A sign in front of Liberty of Statue
'New Colossus closed for restoration
Can not accept the tired, the hungry
The wretched refuse of the world
Date of opening to be announced soon!'

9.12. 2015

Pray For Grieving Hearts

In a distant land a little child
A refugee child drowns in sea
Among many others his body washed on shore
The heart breaking news, the horror of their struggle
That little boy's picture glued to mind
I can not shake it out.

Today is Krishna Janmashtami
A day of celebration for Hindus
Krishna who spoke words of wisdom 
To guide Arjuna through the chaos and turmoil 
In the battle of Kurukshetra
War ends-
But battle of grief and suffering 
Never ends.

Krishna Janmashtami a day of celebration 
But I am not at peace
No festivities, no celebrations draw me today
I will keep the fast not to celebrate a festival 
But to pray for that child
To pray for suffering humanity
I will keep reminding myself
Krishna's message
All my anger, all my frustration
All my goodwill, all my compassion
I surrender to Him
I pray and come to Him
Give us peace give us light
I who am nobody-
Sends a prayer for peace 
And love to all.
Pray for grieving hearts.

Savita Tyagi

9. 4. 2015

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Random Thought XXV

When all experiences of life
Become experiences of Divine
One have come to know and 

Experience Divine.

Random Thought XXlV

Slamming your head 
Against a mountain
Is not a wise choice
A flowing river always

Creates a new path.

Random Thought XXlll

Sky roared and opened
Out came the Word trembling
It shook the world with its power. 

Random Thought XXll

Copycats more headache than real ones!
In authoritarian play of power

The game of cat and mouse is eternal! 

Random Thought XXl

First man and a woman
Competed with each other
Then came the machine
Believing survival depends on competition 
Both competed with Machine
Here comes the robot now
All of us are asked to look upon robot
Alas the Self our greatest identity
The one that unites us all
Being lost in the shuffle.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sharing A Sunset

Sun was setting on hills
Shadows across valley elongating
Creeping, covering 
A dark light descending
Miles and miles of hills covered 
In a mysterious truth
Held in silence
Peace covering strife
Close your eyes and follow the shadows
My arms long and elastic
Wrapped around you
Silence stretching, moving
Spreading across valley
Sun goes down
Sky changing colors
Not enough clouds around!
Sun set isn't that magnificent!
Neither are we....
Silence soaks in
Small crowd disperses
Shared images locked in 

A promised return of tomorrow.



A picture speaks for thousand words
In a deceptive world
It too deceives a thousand times
Behind an innocent smile
Lie a thousand deceived tears.

When alone 
Take a selfie and look

With in your self.

Friday, July 3, 2015

A Flicker In Silence

When searching for solutions
Intellect can be as great an obstacle
As our emotional being
If it prefers to construct its own truth
And regards it as an absolute
A flicker that is experienced 
In silence of mind holds
The hints and impressions
For a problem even though
Solution is still at large in mind.

 12. 20. 2013

Random Thought XX

Big dreams and high ego
Signature color of youth
Blood red!
Lost dreams and worn out ego
Signature of old 
In faded water marks!

Want to do but can't do
Can do but don't want to!

Summer days floating by.

Random Thought XIX ( Written while thinking of a dear friend)

Feeling sad
Some one said 
We are standing in departure hall
To day news of another friend 
Taking that one way voyage
Bold and courageous
Fearless fighter
Loving and caring
His memory is jovial
Rest in peace dear friend!

6. 30. 2015

Random Thought XVIII

Eat, drink and be merry
A great trio of sound advice
Last one being the most complex 
Yet if happiness comes your way
Seize the moment before it disappears.

What is the meaning of life?
I asked God in my moments of confusion
God instead asked his own question
Tell me what does life means to you?
His answer hidden so well in the question.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

In search of......

When I need a friend I think of you
When I search for you all I find is I
In truth I know not either!

Still I follow with faith
The glimmer of hope
That you are beside me.

1.16. 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Life Is Your Valentine For A Period of Short Time

There is an element of bliss     
In all the workings of life 
Be it of joy or suffering to our eyes
It exists independently universally
Irrelevant to our feelings and emotions
Uninfluenced by our experiences
Jovial are the words of grief and happiness
Whose understanding comes to rest
Upon equality in dealing with duality
Our joy and suffering are wrappings
Marked upon life's golden box
Sometime dazzling as dawn azure 
Or dark as night sans moon and stars
Intense is the touch of these wrappings 
Upon our hearts and mind hiding creation's
Secret purpose beyond our understanding
Ambrosia of life drips in movement of time
Death rejuvenates it like hourglass 
Reversing it self to start all over 
Life agrees to be your valentine 
For a period of short time
Enjoy her partnership in these
Moments so blessedly thine.

Happy Valentine Day To All My Family And Friends


Sunday, January 25, 2015

Time To Look In The Mirror

"The entire world already knows
That we water- boarded the prisoners"
The entire world also knows that
Our police shot the unarmed man
With raised hand
And policeman was not indicted
The whole world knows
Police kept a man in chokehold
Even after listening that he can't breathe
The whole world knows that
Our citizens are getting paranoid
Can't see the difference between
An adult and child's playground activities
The world knows that
Our government spies on
Its own citizens with out permission
The list goes on and on and on
Stirs the conscience even from a distance
May be it's a time for some soul searching
To remember and stand by the great principles
That define us as a nation
To aspire and hold ourselves together
In forward march for life, liberty
And justice for all
It is time to look in the mirror 
And point to that ugly serpent 
Of lies and deceit of power
Raising its head steadily
To corrupt that loving image of Democracy
Loved and admired by the entire world
No matter how much we boast about
Being a great nation 
Setting high standard of values
For others to follow
We are still humans and fallible
With room for improvement
How long can we hide behind 
The words like enhanced interrogation
Or collateral damage or self defense 
The flowery language of sophisticated intellect
Invented and renewed every day 
To hide and shrink from responsibility 
Nothing can set us free from the painful truth
Burning in our national consciousness
But to accept our wrong doings 
Examine and correct our mistakes
And walk on the path of virtue
With a heart fearless and confident
And recognize with humility
That we are not the sole guardian of values
That arrogance simply tarnishes 
Even the most cherished virtues.

The quote is from Senator John McCain's speech on congress floor defending the release of 'Torture Report' on 12. 9. 2014. 
The poem came as a reaction of some recent and old events that have challenged the core values of American life. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

When A Dream Overlaps Reality

It's been two days since I had a dream
Still I can't shake it from memory's stream
It wasn't about any out of the world activity
Yet morning buzzed with its connectivity.

In my bedroom with sleepy eyesight 
I stepped into glory of morning sun light
First awareness was of a loud conversation
Floating in kitchen like small altercation.

What took place between father and son
Soon alerted me to its familiar content
Wait a minute! I thought to myself puzzled
Didn't I just dreamed a similar conversation.

Only it was between mother and a son
All morning I was in amazement 
Thinking of that lucid dream
And it's clear premonition.

A muffled play of what was to come
In nature's finest instrument at works
I am no expert on matters of subconscious
Strange is its nonconformity to time's dimensions.

How it comes into shady existence 
And why it disappears for reality to begin
I have no answer to all these questions
But to experience the phenomena once in a while.

It's mystique so charming and sublime
Even a confused mingling of two planes
Just leaves me in wonder and dazed 
At the mysteries of mind's power untamed.

12.30 2014