"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Once Life was a firefly
Oh! The thrill and the joy I had in catching it.
On dark nights in the misty thicket of my backyard
I saw that little light popping here and there as if by magic.
Holding my catch carefully in my cupped hands
I was mesmerized by the twinkle emanating from its body.
All the mysteries of the world of which I knew nothing about
Were contained in its golden womb.
Its accidental flight from my little hands
Was never too far to catch it again.
I was a willing player in its game of hide and seek.

In my youth I flew on its wings
Like a mighty eagle soaring high
Even the sky in its infinity was too small
To contain me
In my grip was the life
And to catch a phrase from Upanishad it felt like
“I am the stimulator of the tree of Universe
My glory is high as peaks of mountain…
Imperishable and undecaying am I.”

Today I feel like an ass
Carrying the heavy yoke of passions and desires,
A struggle weary traveler dragging its feet towards the unknown
Where mysterious fireflies still take birth. 
With my head bent downward I sense an impeller in me
Moving along with curious out look for the path-
Life's burning never stops
But frailty seeks for a resting place.

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