Jungle Jalebi
Under the bright sunshine of early summer
I walk around the villa, my new home of few weeks in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The brick pathway was hot and shimmering
Burning my feet through slippers in a preview of bacon fries days of summer.
The wild flowers and ever greens around compound villas
Softened the blow of heat and domesticated the desert in the front garden.
I watched the lavender bushes with their mauve-blue spikes
And breathed their delicious mint fragrance fanned in the air through palm leaves.
Curls of red berries on a native tree looked like copper rings blazing in fire.
All of a sudden the mind had raced to the open lands of my native country
Projecting some little images playing underneath the tree.
Their coppery faces with dusty berries clenched in their sweaty hands
Burning and crackling with laughter.
Burning and crackling with laughter.
I stood there melting with nostalgia and hot sun.
In some ways Bahrain had brought me closer to my roots
The climate, the people, the food and the culture
Every thing was conducive to absorbing the shock of moving to a foreign land.
Once again in trying to understand my identity I felt like growing constantly
Ready to embrace the whole world as my own
And being a tiny part or it where ever I go.
I walked a little more trying to recall
The name of the berry still locked in the paradise of childhood.
Finally my anguish from memory loss was relieved
When my husband, provoked by his own sweet memories
Uttered the word Jungle jalebi.
Cactus flower
The little garden adventure came to a halt
With a look at the cactus plant and its bright yellow flower
Blooming on the top ridge of a thick wide stem.
Its green leaf like sharp erect fang of a Cobra with flamed eyes
From archaic tale of India, guarding a gem over its hood.
Under the glaring rays of desert sun
The garden was illuminating with its lustrous beauty.
The cactus flower blooming and fading in one short day
Leaves a memory behind
That lingers for a long time.
The little flower a sober reminder of rise and fall of life
Or the affirmation of its continuity
As another bloom takes place right beside the faded one.
The colors of life never cease to amaze me.
Some have it for years
And some perish in a short day.
Amid the harsh, ardent spikes of sorrow
There blooms a flower of joy
And under the dense comforting shade of happiness
Hidden some where is the moss of suffering.
I am still alien to this desert land
But the cactus flower has clicked to become a part of me.
Intrigued with its beauty I searched the web to find
Many more vibrant shades of bright pink, violet, orange and even white
I can only imagine the wild desert of scanty vegetation
Decorated with these little colorful gems of nature
An emancipation from the bondage of confined city living.
But for now I am just as happy to see the bloom of one cactus flower in my garden.
After all one has to feel the essence of ocean
In a drop of water held in one’s palm.
(From my Bahrain diary)
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