A rudderless boat!
A wasted hour!
A sapless fruit!
This may be the way
How I feel in this fleeting moment!
This may be the way
The old age is often looked upon!
But this isn’t the complete truth!
There is an other side to it!
A waterless cloud still adds
Beauty to blue sky!
In its gentle floating
Restless hearts seek peace.
A rudderless boat has
Shouldered many a journeys!
A sapless fruit has quenched
The thirst of somebody!
Even as it perishes
It adds nutrients to soil!
This old wrinkled body
Holds many truths and
Wisdom of years!
My heart laughs, cries,
Feels aches and pains,
And carries an endless
Ocean of love.
To get enchanted with melody of love
Sung by morning birds,
Is the privilege my old age holds.
As evening arrives the beatitude of
Crimson sky fills the heart with serenity.
Surely the most wondrous of all is to be
An ongoing habitat of an undying spirit,
An active partner in the
Play of Life!
A living testament of the
Greatest beauty and miracle
Of all, called Life!
And this is how I brought
My idle hour of musing to fruition!
2. 1. 2025
Ocean of love.
To get enchanted with melody of love
Sung by morning birds,
Is the privilege my old age holds.
As evening arrives the beatitude of
Crimson sky fills the heart with serenity.
Surely the most wondrous of all is to be
An ongoing habitat of an undying spirit,
An active partner in the
Play of Life!
A living testament of the
Greatest beauty and miracle
Of all, called Life!
And this is how I brought
My idle hour of musing to fruition!
2. 1. 2025
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