"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

A Dream Experience And It’s Impressions II

 A child rides his three-wheeler.

A big truck follows, 

Wraps the child

And his three-wheeler 

In the front left wheel of the truck.

From the back of the car window

I watch, helpless...not knowing

If the child survived or not.

 The last thing I remember is his 

Smiling face 

experiencing the thrill ride

On his three-wheeler.

The dream breaks—-

The fear, the anxiety

The sadness persists.

Being helpless is the worst thing in life.

Back in past my little kids 

Have taken many a thrill rides

On their three-wheeler, 

And I ran with them

Or after them in the middle of the street

To make sure the oncoming 

Traffic saw us.

Fear never kept us away from 

Enjoying little things, 

And I never felt helpless.

Though it was all God's grace

That had let us live our lives 

Safe and secure.

Now I sense an aura of fear

All around, dealing with news

Of young children, or of grown-ups

Being shot by others

At the slightest of provocation, 

Some time even without provocation, 

Be it by the hands of police, gang members,

Mentally sick or avengers.

What troubles me most is the thought

That the shooters too have lost

Their sense of security.

They have a weapon, yet the fear of having

The other person a weapon makes

Them shoot an unarmed person.

In fear of death, one must put

His own survival first-

There is no denial of the fact, 

But can anybody perform

The duty of protecting others

With so much fear for their own life.

And how can a citizen live his life

Not knowing which of his action

Would result in an altercation with authority

Or other community members, 

How can one live with so much fear? 

How long can we ignore the demand

That, give a gun in each hand 

Or take the guns away from all.

How long can we ignore the distrust

That nobody is protecting here anybody

But their own selves.

That jungle law still prevails in civil society.

How long can we run away from our selves? 

When we have everything to fear

And nothing to assure us.

Savita Tyagi

Written on August 27th 2015

A Dream Experience And It’s Impressions I

 Last night's dream was awfully unusual, 

Something I rarely have experienced.

Death and destruction not of Nature's 

But the casualties caused by humans.

Heartless, robot-like cruel humans, 

Striking adults with black cannons, 

Smashing babies like clay figures.

Body parts scattered everywhere.

Amid all that chaos stood my 

Frozen, cold face, stone-like figure, 

Devoid of any grief or sadness, 

Or the slightest frantic awareness. 


Though in all honesty, I should have been

Trembling and moaning with eyes closed

Unable to wake up from that horrible dream

But nothing like that of sort happened.

Waking consciousness took over eventually.

Reconstructing the dream I became fearful.

Recollecting my frozen icy expression, 

How should I think of that mental regression? 

Does it resemble our mostly quiet lifestyle

Partly brought upon with advancing years, 

When deprived of new life adventures, 

Calm mind descends into eon collections? 

Free and unhindered it plays in its own scenarios, 

Or is it that I have become immune to suffering, 

Of death, destruction, gunshots and bomb blasts

All kinds of horror act known for happenings? 

It causes no emotional disturbance or

Personal impact when seen from a distance

Is it emotional maturity or lack of empathy? 

A horrible state of mind to be in certainly.

To lose compassion for pain and suffering! 

To become a neutral witness of dying babies! 

Oh! Lord! Please never, never let me become 

Such a person not even in my dreams.

Let me remain a human with a grieving heart, 

Extending a helping hand whenever I could. 

Let me not be without the love and empathy

That connects us all from farthest of distance.

Let this dream not be the indication of what 

Lies there, beyond the time, called golden years 

When life transforms me into a heartless

Stone cold figure in a fragile cage of bones.

Savita Tyagi

Written on August 27th 2015