"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Formation Of A Mantra

ए॒ष व॒: स्तोमो॑ मरुतो॒ नम॑स्वान्हृ॒दा त॒ष्टो मन॑सा धायि देवाः। उपे॒मा या॑त॒ मन॑सा जुषा॒णा यू॒यं हि ष्ठा नम॑स॒ इद्वृ॒धास॑: Rig Veda. 1.171. 2

English Transliteration

eṣa vaḥ stomo maruto namasvān hṛdā taṣṭo manasā dhāyi devāḥ | upem ā yāta manasā juṣāṇā yūyaṁ hi ṣṭhā namasa id vṛdhāsaḥ ||

ए॒षः। वः॒। स्तोमः॑। म॒रु॒तः॒। नम॑स्वान्। हृ॒दा। त॒ष्टः। मन॑सा। धा॒यि॒। दे॒वाः॒। उप॑। ई॒म्। आ। या॒त॒। मन॑सा। जु॒षा॒णाः। यू॒यम्। हि। स्थ। नम॑सः। इत्। वृ॒धासः॑ .१७१.

Translation By Sri Aurobindo

Lo, the hymn of your Affirmation, O Maruts; it is fraught (filled) with my obeisance, it was framed by the heart, it was established by the mind, O ye gods. Approach these my words and embrace them with the mind; for of submission are you the increaser.

Process Of The Mantra Formation as pointed in the above verse.

In the system of Mystics, that the Vedas represent, the Word is a power. It has power to create. For all creation is an expression. Sound, the foundation of the Word, as first etheric vibration precedes any other formation. 


Based on that principle our speech is also creative. It creates forms of emotions, mental images, and impulses of action. The ancient Vedic theory and practice extended this creative action of speech by the use of the Mantra. The Vedic use of Mantra is a conscious utilization of the secret power of the word.

By the word or mantra we create something in our consciousness. What we create becomes part of ourselves. It can not only effect and bring transformation  in our inner life but has the power to effect the outer physical world, ours as well as of others around us.

By the expression of a word we form certain ideas and by affirming and holding on to that idea we support our convictions and create a course of action. As a power pf expression the word is termed vak or vachas and as power of affirmation it is called Stoma.

In the spiritual sense the mantra has deeper aspects. Though it expresses a thought in mind, it is not in its essential part a creation of the intellect. A Mental vibration implies thought and perception, but a Supramental vibration implies a supreme vision and discernment.  To be the sacred and effective word, it must have come as an inspiration from the supra-mental plane, termed in Veda, Ritam, the Truth. It is received in our consciousness through the heart or by the luminous intelligence, called Manisha. It is the Kavi- Manishi of Esha Upanishad receiving that Mantra filled with Supreme instinct discernment of truth and creative power. 

The heart in Vedic psychology is not just a seat of emotions but a larger tract nearer to our subconscious, out of which arise all the the sensations, emotions, inspirations and intuitions. It is by the power of this luminous heart that a Mantra is formed. हृ॒दा। त॒ष्टः Later it is brooded, accepted and confirmed by the intelligence in the mind of an individual receiving the Mantra. मन॑सा। धा॒यि॒


Yet another step is needed for Mantra to be fully effective and it is the cooperation of Cosmic energies. Though formed and accepted by individual heart and mind, the influencing powers of Cosmos must also accept the Mantra for its energy to proceed. Once accepted by them, these universal powers unite themselves behind to support it with their energies and to make it fully effective. 

So this is the depth and process of mantra, described in the above short verse pregnant with its rich suggestions. It is a hymn of formation, and of submission of mantra along with the conditions of its effectivity.

The Rishi says it is fashioned by the heart, it has received its just place in his mentality through affirmation by the mind.

He further prays to divine, cosmic energies that become functional in our mind as mental energies to enhance the power of the word. The Maruts are the representatives of these energies. Rishi prays to them not only to accept his submissions, but to become the increaser and grantor of their grace for the illuminative words.


This article is based mostly on  Sri Aurobindo’s writings.

‘The Secrets Of The Vedas’ pages 268- 275. Chapter ‘Indra and the Thought Forces’.

The Kena Upanishad: Chapter 5- The Supreme Word.

Sanskrit Verse Rig Veda 1.171.2 as translated by Sri Aurobindo

English Transliteration and Sanskrit word by word break down of the verse : veda.Com

Savita Tyagi

6.12. 2021


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