So I bought two big sweet potatoes
To prepare delicious holiday pie.
Busy with other chores, baking
Was postponed for sometime.
As I opened the pantry for some food, puzzled
I was with fallen shreds of potato skins.
The nibble marks were so visible on red skin
Not knowing the cause I simply threw the vegetable.
But that wasn’t the end of story. With bite marks around
Soon other snack bags found its way in trash bin.
On morning of Thanksgiving I opened the pantry
Sitting inside fruit basket the little mouse greeted me.
Shocked I jumped with a scream
The tiny rodent ran up and down the hall.
From room to room it gave me an exhausting chase, finally
The scared mouse took shelter in attic and I slumped on bed
Now shopping for a mouse trap is
On my special winter list project.
Mouse has been caught!
Holiday cheers to all!
Dec. 24th 2017