"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Living with out traditions
Rituals and festivals lost
In memory of distant past
We become nonexistent
What is present but
Built upon yesterday's foundation
Brick by brick
Thought by thought
Ideals by ideals
Yet all is transitory
Struggle to keep past alive
Becomes a fight to keep
Present alive
Life changing so fast
Driving around I feel
I am the walking past
Of this new landscape
In present we host
Numerous ghost of past
Becoming ourselves a ghost identity
In desperation looking back
At traditions and rituals
To rescue an image
Disappearing fast
Like notebook and cursive writing.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Four A.M.

Clouds move out
Stars move in
Full moon speaks not
The crickets hush not
And I 
Just restless!

Sit sit sit
Close my eyes and sit
Void and emptiness 
Stretches in night
So calm and serene
Against restive mind 

Once time casts us aside
Life doesn't abide in have to do mode
Yet mind gets restless
Passions and emotions 
Scattered like grass seeds
Some to germinate in green grass
Others to be washed away in autumn rain

Fate presents us the life
Beyond our wildest dreams
But strips away too
The simplest longings
The youthful energy flies away
Without leaving a trace
Like the little bird on garden fence

Thoughts and inspiration
Lost in blank mind
Like stars hidden
Behind clouds
In autumn sky

Subdued sense detect
Only the breath of life
repetitive motion
comes and goes
Soon to be forgotten
In flights of mind

The only awareness
That lingers on and on
To take over all else
Sleep stays away 
Like an unwelcome guest

Eventually mind concedes to quiet sitting
A moment of neutral living
Neither of joy nor sadness
All dissolves
In limit less silence

Orange moon shines on window
Big and beautiful
As in prime of youth
Night moves on unhurried  
To give way for another dawn.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Closed For Business

The government shuts down!
Politicians who refuse to negotiate
With hostage takers and pirates
Hold their own president
And country’s welfare hostage
To enforce their own will
Demanding ransom beyond imagination
Height of hypocrisy!
Young politicians and their marathon podium high jacking!
What a waste of time and public resources
Ideals of democracy clutched in power hungry hands
The statue of Freedom sheds tears
Above capital dome
Little red riding hood watch out
Many wolfs out there in Grandma’s clothing
Your soldier friend is on furlough!
Grandma’s house isn’t secure any more!


Path To Heaven

Hawkish words from great nations of today
‘Our credibility is at stake’
Justifying the euphoria in support of war
More or less similar words
'Our honor is at stake'
Litter the ancient history
Of kings and warrior race
And their antique ways of
Settling the differences 
With a quick draw of sword 
Different times different people
Same arrogance and same vanity
The real culprit 
A desire and hunger
For power and supremacy 
Built in and hidden 
Deep in human heart
Seekers of peace still called coward 
Settling issues by tip of a sword
Or with the barrel of a gun
Not to mention countless barrage 
Of new weapons
A bold choice for many
To defend righteousness 
To rid the world of evil
An eternally glorified path
For fighters and martyrs
Leading straight to Heaven
A call Humanity can't seem to resist or reject !