"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Friday, December 30, 2022

Remembering A Friend

In the darkness of winter morning I stepped into my kitchen 

My eyes and ears still unreceptive to the cell phone and its ringing!

Though I did catch the glimpse of our friend’s name flashing before the ring stopped! 

As it is happening with our age group….

The news of an old friend’s passing knocked the indolence out of my morning!

Beyond the shadows of familiar surroundings of our homeland,

These are the friends that we made while starting our lives. 

Time and distance has taken tole on communication,

Yet memories don’t seem to mind this gap.

Out of nowhere they come like torrential rains drenching us all.

Instead of destroying the past associations, Death renews it all.

I called back, we talked for a long time,

Bridging the gap of time and distance like nothing ever stood in between.

Our friend on phone was in regular touch with our common friend (may God bless his soul) and his family. 

He filled us up again with many details from his life and our friend’s life. 

The healing process of shared experiences somehow eased our pain.

Later in the day with all the emotions bubbling up I could not resist but to

Search for our deceased friend’s ( sounds so strange using this word!) or

His wife’s profile on FB.

Her picture looked just the way I had seen her, when we met first time. 

A petite figure with long black hair and big beautiful doe eyes! 

For a long time I just sat looking at her picture with her locked profile. 

My heart and mind lost eons back in time.

Each moment dissolved in past takes rebirth in our memories!

How far back one can go riding the wings of memory….

Returning back to present I looked at the picture and profile again,

And noticed one of our recent relation’s name under the list of common friends!


It will be a while before I get to know or probably will never know the details of their relationship!

But amazed I am at finding the common links across the continents!


In the constant flow of life the relationships too are fluid!

One has to be thankful for the technology,

For lessening the distances!

For the lofty ideal of Oneness to become a realizable goal! 

Here in the expressions of some raw and genuine emotions,

We are connected with our near and dear ones.

The dynamics of Life’s energy carries us through varied channels

In our thoughts and actions,

Upholds us in our emotions of joys and griefs,

Sustains us in our failures and achievements,

And locks us together in a ‘taste of ambrosia and stings of poison’.

Savita Tyagi

Note: Written after getting the news of one of our dear old friend’s death.

November 16th 2022 


Thursday, December 29, 2022

Growing Old

 Growing old either one shouts

To make others listen 

Or one mumbles to oneself 

Cares not if one is heard,

Or sits in silence to enjoy

The beauty of gorgeous dawn

And husky sunsets

While all the commotion of the world

Slowly drowns in wild whimsical breeze.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Nature's Blessed Darkness

The night after full moon ,

Peaceful and quiet

Compared to yesterday’s wet, and cold, yet an active day.


On This still night silence of mind wants to prevail.

The moon coming out of rustic gray clouds 

Is the only sign of life’s movements.

Clouds cover the moon back and forth. 

Such is life here on earth.

Two steps forward to one step backward.

For some unfortunate ones it is one step forward

To two steps backward. 

Still all move forward in a dream like motion…

We are a week past in December.

Christmas lights are on and glowing

Lately I have seen hologram lights!

So fascinating….Our neighbor has put them on

Sitting in my patio I watch the dancing rhythm of lights

It spreads on his wall, windows and roof,

Bounces from our trees and grass,

To flocks upon my heart. 

Bare trees are showing deserted nests

Moon has disappear again!

Fog is descending upon houses and  trees,

Wraps the lamp post and Christmas lights.

It’s getting dense, nothing else is visible but a vast grayness,

Like a white spirit pervading the darkness in mesmerizing silence.

I sit with my eyes closed to let the healing power of darkness

Take over my heart and soul.

This darkness is Nature’s blessed darkness.

In its womb the world dreams of a better future.

A world of peace free from discord and strife.

“ Let the wise sink his speech into the mind, the mind into the intellect, and the intellect into the great Atman, and the great Atman into the peaceful Atman”

Katha Upanishad

12. 8. 2022

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Nav-Durga Part III

Nava-Durga names with Sanskrit meaning and Their significance

(From Devi Kavacham)


प्रथमं शैलपुत्रीति द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी 

तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम् 

पञ्चमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनी तथा 

सप्तमं कालरात्रिश्च महागौरीति चाष्टमम् 

नवमं सिद्धिदात्री  नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः 

उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना 

English Transliteration

Prathamam Shailaputrii-[I]ti Dvitiiyam Brahmacaarinnii |

Trtiiyam Candraghanntte[aa-I]ti Kuussmaanndde[aa-I]ti Caturthakam ||

Pan.camam Skandamaate[aa-I]ti Ssassttham Kaatyaayanii Tathaa |

Saptamam Kaalaraatrish-Ca Mahaagaurii-[I]ti Ca-Assttamam ||

Navamam Siddhidaatrii Ca Navadurgaah Prakiirtitaah ||

Uktaany[i]-Etaani Naamaani Brahmannai[a-E]va Mahaatmanaa ||


(These are the names of Nava Durgas)

First is Shailaputri (Daughter of the Mountain).

Second is Brahmacarini (Who wanders in Brahman, or a Tapaswani (performer of Penance).

Third is Chandraghanta (Bell of Moon), Crescent moon.

Kushmanda (Glowing substratum of Universal Egg) is Fourth.

Fifth is Skandamata (Mother of Skanda).


Sixth is Katyayani (Daughter of Katyayana Rishi).

Seventh is Kalaratri (Dark Night of Destruction).

Mahagauri (Great Shining White Form) is Eighth.

And Nighth is Siddhidatri (Bestower of Siddhis or Accomplishments).


These are eulogized as Nava Durga (Names of Nine Durgas),

These Names were indeed uttered by (none other than) the great-souled Brahma.

Savita Tyagi


Nav-Durga Part II

Meaning And Symbolism In Nine Names of Devi

Shailaputri : Besides mountain in Vedic terminology
Mountain also represents our material body.
It also means Sun.
If mountain represents the matter
Sun represents the active truth or power of entire Cosmos.
The combined flavor gives us one of two side of Devi!
The first of two cosmic principles-
Know it as Para Shakti , Supreme Nature or Cosmic Force.

Brahmacharini: Dwells in Brahman or performs Brahmanic action.
Devi as Brahamcharini or bearer of cosmic consciousness
Dwells in cosmos as well as in us performing all kinds of actions.
She is Chit-Shakti, Mahamaya beyond the grasp of mortals!

Skanda: Upward rise, jumping upward, power to ascent.
Katyayan: Sad feeling or expression. By association it invokes
A hint of downward trend or power to descend. Opposite of Skanda.

As Skanda Mata and Katyayni Mother goddess is instrumental
Of cosmic evolution and dissolution.

Chandraghanta: Crescent moon-bell, signifies Nature’s calm, tranquil and mellow phase.
Kushmanda: Glowing heat or energy. The substratum of Universe,
Imagined as the Cosmic Egg.

Kaalratri: Dark night of death and destruction.

Mahagauri: Great shining white form! What could be a better symbol
For the Cosmic re-emergence of Life.

Siddhidatri: Bestower of siddhis or accomplishments.

The above eight principles of Mother Nature are pivotal in the workings of life. Understanding, achieving, and working through these divine forces, guided by their influences and protected with their grace
A human being achieves satisfaction from daily activities to lead a happy life.
Such is the power of these nine names of Devi contained in Devi Kavacham.

Note: Devi Kavacham is part of Devi Mahatamyam, also called Durga Saptashati for it has 700 verses. The names above are part of 61 verses of Devi Kavacham. These beautiful verses are recited by devotees wishing for Devi’s protection.

Nav-Durga Part I

An Ode To Names Of Mother Goddess

Nine ancient names of Mother Goddess,
So mesmerizing in its melodious rendering.

Varied intense emotions and reverence is invoked
simply by its poetic composition and sound vibration.

Beyond my grasp is the full meaning,
Of these melodious, unforgettable verses.
Wandering at the corridors of my mind
I dwell on it’s poetic charm day and night.

By some mysterious processes
Each name starts to reveal
It’s meaning and a deeper connection
To cosmic workings,
And to our own self.
Awe-struck I am!

In six lines, eight of these names are paired in set of two.
Look at the duality of the Cosmic forces,
And at our physical and psychological energies
Working in pairs!
Pairs that seem to work as opposites,
Yet create and sustain a symphony
Of Life cycle!

The ninth name stands alone as the bestower of grace,
Both in Macrocosm and Microcosm!

Note: Nav-Durga Part II is an elaboration of these names as I understand.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Tulsidas's Doha and Translation

'Tulsi Tulsi sab kahe,Tulsi ban ki ghaas
Ho gayi kirpa Ram ki, to ban gaye Tulsidas’

Tulsi Tulsi says every body, (it) is just a jungle grass. (The Tulsi plant is revered as holy grass by association with Lord Vishnu)
It is only with God’s grace that (I- Tulsidas) became God’s servant.

'Tulsi meethe bachan te sukh upjaat chahu or
Basikaran ek mantra hain pariharu bachan kathor'

Tulsi (says) pleasant words invoke happiness all around
Giving up harsh words is the mantra (secret) of power.

'Bina tej ke purush ki avshi avagya hoy
Aagi bujhe jyo raakh ki aap chuvay sab koy'

Without valor a man is certainly ignored (disrespected).
Like fire after loss of flame, is touched as ash by all.

'Tulsi saathi vipatti ke vidya vinay vivek
Sahas sukriti sustyavat, Ram bharose ek'

Tulsi (says) companion in trouble are knowledge, humility and wisdom.
Good name comes easy by trusting God.

'Kaam krodh mad lobh ki jou lou man mein khan
Tau lou Pandit moorkhou Tulsi ek saman'

As long as one has mines of desire, anger, arrogance and greed in heart
Knowledgeable and fools are equal so says Tulsidaas.

'Ram naam mani deep dharoo jih dehari dwar
Tulsi bheeter bahrao jo chahasi ujiyar'

(when) Light of Ram’s name is placed on whichever door and doorstep
Tulsi (says) inside and out side (of that heart and world around it) both are lighted.

Writer’s notes:
Goswami Tulsidas was a 16th century saint and Hindi poet. He was devoted to Lord Rama. He is most famous for his Epic Ramcharitmanas Written in Hindi dilect of Avadhi. A retelling of Story of Ramayan. Vinaya Patrika and Hanuman Chalisa are other famous works besides many other Hindi and Sanskrit devotional hymns. The whole Epic Ramcharitmanas has been written in English transliteration for the benefit of readers who can not read Hindi but would like to enjoy the melodious rhythm and sublime devotional music of this highly enriching literary poetry. Around the festival of Ramnavami very often the whole Tulsi Ramayan is recited in temples, community gatherings and private homes.

Here I have translated only few of his Doha that I read on PoemHunter poetry site.

Savita Tyagi

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Banyan Tree

Sitting under the Banyan tree I watch the water hitting its raised roots

Restless and agitated as a disturbed mind.

It's effervescence matches my own state of mind.

On the sun baked land the Banyan tree stands alone in silent meditation.

It's calm and magnificent beauty towering against my littleness.

The Banyan tree, the most ancient, the most beautiful metaphor for our Universe.

Upanishad and Bhagavad Geeta have memorable verses for it.

Reading them I get lost in my own thoughts.

The eternal question is still one and same- Who is the Creator?

But answers vary.

‘There is but one God’, does’t satisfy all.

for many it is neither a truth, nor a reality.

If there is One entity 

Clearly it is Unknown;

He, She or It - nothing can be assigned to it.

Far from logic these titles seem to be the creation of an authoritarian mind.

A Male figure for a strong Patriarch,

A Female title of a Matriarch origin,

Or an It for an Atheist inquirer.  

By some mysterious process

The unknown power or powers 

Descend into Universe, 

And the play of life starts! 

All beings fight for its survival

By confrontation or by cooperation. 

To calm our agitated and restless mind,

For our yearnings to seek an answer for unanswered questions,

Our scriptures advise us to have ‘Faith, Devotion and Meditative Knowledge’.

When all answers fail to satisfy, seek it within yourself with the help of these tools.

“ In an undisturbed place, in a comfortable posture, clean and pure, neck, head and body in balance and restive position, all the senses in control, meditate and revere your own teacher residing in your own heart, the Untainted, the Pure, the Clear, and the Grief-less.” 

Note: Quote is from Kevailya Upanishad

Savita Tyagi



Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Ocean

 Have you ever stood by the ocean at sunset? 

When the wind is calm,

And an orange glow kisses the grey waters.

The tranquil surface deceives its agitated undercurrent.

Have you heard the shrieking waves

Hitting the wet slippery rock? 

It sounds more or less like cries of a tormented heart

Hitting the palms curled up around trembling lips.

Have you ever felt the burning sand under your feet? 

Like desire burning through pores of lovers' body.

The abrasive wet sand feels as heavy

As a heart torn apart in deceit.

I dig my fingers deep in water

To feel the cold, mushy lumps 

And watch it being swept away in the sea. 

Shard of some sultry memory

Creates a lump in my throat.

I let it slip away with sand.

Ocean is the confidant and dossier of all.

The waves, the sand, the light, the pain-

The memories!

Savita Tyagi


World Ocean Day


तस्मिन्नपो मातरिश्वा दधाति

'Tasmin apo matarishwa dadhati’.

“In That the Master of life establishes the Waters.

The above quote is the last line of verse four from Esha Upanishad.

Tat or That is used for the divine principle that pervades the Universe.

‘Apas’ means waters. It can also mean works. 

‘Matarishwan’ is an epitaph for Vau (Air). Here the word signifies the Cosmic Principle of Life. The divine life force that presides in all forms of cosmic activity. 

Dadhati-means establishing.

Watching news yesterday I came to know that June 8th is declared as an ‘Ocean day’. The declaration at once reminded me of the above ancient verse.

This ancient vedic verse seeks and places divinity in all worldly existences and utilizes it to create harmony with Nature and activities of human-being. Reaching beyond words it imposes a sublime feeling upon our psych. When you think of Ocean day think of that ancient verse and connect yourself with that highest emotion underlying it in all its magnificence.

Note: Last year in our study group we devoted a long time reading the beautiful verses of Esha Upanishad with  Sri Aurobindo’s commentary. The translation and the words meaning above is taken from his commentary. 


6. 9. 2022

Savita Tyagi

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Love Knows No Bounds!

Body chained

Limbs pierced

Love gushes through

The bleeding heart.

Morning aftermath sends shockwaves.

He Is Risen!

Love Is Risen!

Desert becomes an oasis!

Centuries pass,

Love eternal walks

On a timeless thorny path!

4. 17. 2022

Wish you all a happy Easter.

Savita Tyagi

Monday, January 17, 2022

Our Ablities

Our ability to learn-

Nature’s best gift to us.

Nature sharing with us

Its evolving power

Our ability to create-

Nature’s best gift to us.

Nature imparting to us 

Its creative power.

Our ability to change-

Nature’s best gift to us.

Nature bestowing on us  

Its transforming power.

Our ability to understand-

Nature’s best gift to us.

Nature expanding in us  

Its cognitive power.

All our abilities though speck of dust

Are Nature’s extensive evolution in us.

Its remarkable making of our personality

From its dynamic, falling matter of stardust!  

Just then image of fierce Kali appeared in vision 

Laughing loud with her blood spattered mouth!

Foolish girl do you not have courage to describe 

The human ability for carnage and massacre?

Petrified I closed my eyes in fear

For I tremble to think of our ability,

To mimic Shiva’s Tandav to bring ourselves              

On brink of extinction with no recourse.

Note: In Hindu religion Goddess Kali symbolizes Nature’s fierce powers. She is portrayed both as benevolent and destructive. Shiva’s Tandav is an artistic rendering in dance form. It portrays end of a cycle in creation called Pralaya.

Savita Tyagi

Written on 11. 9. 2017

Saturday, January 8, 2022



Going beyond ordinary limits

 Existence or experience beyond the normal physical or mental level.

 The word is often used for the possibility of spiritual transcendence.

In our reading of Upanishad, we often come across the word transcendence. Most of us take it to mean as the meaning written above. ‘Going beyond.’ In yesterday’s discussion I think Meera and Uma  asked ‘what is Transcendental Meditation, or what the word itself means. The discussion evoked my thoughts and almost compelled me to write this short note to improve our understanding.

 As a word it is a Trademark for Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s meditation technique. Without going into its mystical attraction we elaborated on its meaning to get a understanding.

Later on as I pondered more on it I realized that to understand its deeper meaning however mystical it may be, we have to recognize it’s sense of infiniteness that the word contains. At the same time practicing its unlimited sense of ‘going beyond’ starts at the base level of each individual. Each and every time we have broken a barrier or limitation within our selves, we have transcended it and have opened our selves to a new challenge. Upanishad and other scriptures often talk about realizing infinite depths of physical, mental and spiritual levels within ourselves. Our growth depends on accepting the infinite possibilities of these levels and at the same time overcoming our barriers to achieve those possibilities. It is a continuous effort performed in stages and there may come a time when we may need the expert guidance of a Guru, but the first step is always ours to take. After all the satisfaction or joy of life lies in to bringing out what is best within us.


1. 8. 2022