"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

A New Day

Wading through dark waters

Arrives a day of hope and resilience!

Optimism responses to the screams

Reaching out from the tomb of desperate

You shall be revived 

Is the promise of this new day.

US Election

Jan. 20, 2021

Possessing Love

When hunger for love becomes same

As never ending love for possession 

It chokes the giver and taker both.

Away from obsession

True love is free in its exchange. 

Heaven Descends Upon Earth!

 Evening after the snow fall

Upon millions of icicles 

Fall the rays of burning sun

The sky lights up with ambers

Wrapped around tree limbs.

The splendid gold none can hoard

But to feel blessedly on board.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Crossing The Bridge

 When I started writing poetry 

I hadn’t read much of it.

Nothing guided me besides my thoughts.

Now that I have read much of poetry

My thoughts aren’t there to guide me!

Wandering into the realm 

Of other poet’s world

My own world is lost .......

Or is it a new beginning?


The scriptures tell me

The other world is of your own making

I am just crossing the bridge from I to you.

I wonder to where......

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Few Lines From Savitri by Sri Aurobindo - book II Canto V (Origin Of Universe)


Sri Aurobindo’s poetry is infused not only with most profound and deepest thoughts found in most ancient Sanskrit literature of India, it is also abundant in the imagery found in the literature of ancient Latin, Greek and English poetry making it the most rich and vibrant work of literature in the field of spirituality. 

 In Savitri his thoughts have bloomed like thousands of lotus flowers covering the entire lake of spiritual poetry. One has to merge deeper and deeper in it and still may not find the depth that Sri Aurobindo has touched through his yoga and inner Psychological experiences.

The passage below talks about the origin of Universe. The power Unknown descending into the matter. The title below is provided just for the sake of the title for the clarity of the topic.

( Savita Tyagi )

The Beginning Of The Universe

At the outset of this enigmatic world

Which seems at once an enormous brute machine

And a slow unmasking of the Spirit in things,

In this revolving chamber without walls

In which God sits impassive everywhere 

As if unknown to himself and and by us unseen

In a miracle of inconscient secrecy 

Yet is all here his action and his will.

In this whirl and sprawl through infinite vacancy

The Spirit became matter and lay in the whirl

A body sleeping without sense or soul.

A mass phenomenon of visible shapes

Supported by the silence of the Void

Appeared in the eternal Consciousness

And seemed an outward and insensible world.

There was none there to see and feel;

Only the miraculous Inconscient,

A subtle wizard, was at its task.

Inventing ways for magical results,

Managing creation’s marvelous device,

Making mechanically dumb wisdom’s points,

Using the unthought inevitable Idea,

It did the works of God’s intelligence

Or wrought the will of some supreme Unknown.

Still the consciousness was hidden in Nature’s womb,

Unfelt was the bliss whose rapture dreamed the worlds.

Being was an inert substance driven Force.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 Looking at today’s events 

I have come to believe that

Not every body searches 

For peace, calm and social order.

Some just love to ride the storm,

The bold, courageous and free spirited,

And do deserve to be our champions.

Still some are coward and weak

To ride on thrilling waves.

They just love to create 

Chaos and stir the hornet’s nest

At the expense of others,

Just to get the thrill set aside 

Only for the brave heart.

To go on a wild ride to get 

Their bones crushed....

Is just not in their blood...

And it makes my blood boil.

They are society’s worst enemy!

Jan. 6 th 2021