"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

In The Beginning

In the beginning there was That.
On time’s infinite wings it floated.

Some called it atom
Where did it come from? 
None could fathom.

Others called it Brahman, 
Pregnant with atom.

In dark vacuum It stayed
Conscious of Its power,
Stable and content
But tied to its movement.

Darkness was in It,
Yet fused It was, with Its own
Lustrous Light and enormous Energy.

It parted with what was needed 
For the birth of Universe.
That too was filled with all of That.

A million eyes, a million ear
A million legs weren’t enough
To measure what It contained.

Restless became That vast energy
Eager to burst out from dark hole of infinity.
Timeless chose to become temporal.
Unknown sought to become known.

Beyond Space became the spatial.
Sun, moon and planets were born.
Stars were scattered 
Like shimmering sprinklers.

Its indivisible energy parted in all directions.
Chose a place and sphere 
Of its own aerial attraction.

Forms, shapes and colors
Came in manifestation.

Seasons were made and life evolved.
Its amazing power and creativity
Was felt by all, in Nature, beast and humans.

To its beauty, bliss and luster
None was immune and
None was denied the rhythm.

A little of Its immortal bliss 
Was lent to all worldly activities.

Our human mind became a wonder child of its 
Beauteous inlay and intricate design.

In awe we sought to explore 
Its marvelous complexity,
Or simply bowed in humility.

Note:  Inspiration to write this poem came from reading Purush Sukta, the ancient Vedic Hymn.

Savita Tyagi

April 2019

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

When Times Change

A country victorious in wartime
Projects the winning image on society
In short term even a loser feels winner.

Time eventually shatters the myth
To remain victorious in peacetime
Citizen’s grievances need to heard.

In rough times collective wealth
Of society can’t assure 
Individual’s wellbeing.

A system mindful to welfare of all
Implements the checks and balances 

And so does a sincere authority.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Right To Love

“Knowing you are faithless keeps me alive and hungry. 

Knowing you faithful would kill me with joy.” Mirza Galib

Fleeting movements of time,
To fill them with your love
Such isn’t my luck.
Yet in thoughts you are mine.

I lay no claim but to have a right to love 
Independent of reciprocal demand.
In the heat of my heart’s desire
It blooms like an evergreen flower.

Obsolete are now the crippling 
Shadows of day and night.
Eternal is the memory of your visage  
Accosting me around.

You, who are companion 
Of my silent hours,
You, who guide my chariot 
Till my last ride,
I put my life in your hands
To love you through the end.

Savita Tyagi

The above poem is published in a book 'Spaces Of Mind' an anthology by 'Poets Unite Worldwide'. Publisher Fabrizio Frosini.