"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Savitri was just a simple woman raising her family in a foreign soil.
I met her few times as our paths crossed over in course of time.
Her husband's severe heart attack was an ill-fated blow upon her.
Miraculously he survived, but only to breathe in a motion less state.

For fifteen years she shared her room with his silent presence.
Rollers of time kept moving and pressed harshly upon her.
She kept doing all that she had to do for her family’s welfare,
To survive and to keep her family together through rough times.

Savitri went back to school to renew her professional career,
Supported her daughter in her dream to become a doctor,
Helped her boys to become strong and self sufficient,
And watched over her grand kids in time of their need.

In her private hours she sat by her husband's bed to tell him
All about family and of her life's happenings, hoping and praying,
That one-day his brain cells would rejuvenate him to active life.

She endured the suffering of the world in her bosom,
Yet a vast ocean of love flowed from her heart.
From the canvas of her life, time's cruel brush strokes 
Could never wipe away her hopes and compassion.

Poised and confident she stood on rocks of love and devotion. 
Knowing her was like knowing the Savitri of ancient legend*.
Not only she carried that revered name with pride and dignity,
But had all the love, strength and wisdom that it is linked with.

To me she is the new age symbol of what a woman stands for.
What she endures and offers and what she nurtures and creates.

Savita Tyagi

Writer’s Note: * the legend of Savitri is contained in the Epic of Mahabharata. She was an epitome of a virtuous woman who by her spirituality and wits brought her husband back to life from the clutches of Yama- The Lord of death. Sri Aurobindo a contemporary poet, yogi and philosopher has written with new symbols an epic poem in English named Savitri. It has given the ancient story a new profound and spiritual meaning. Savitri is a popular name in India for women.

This poem is also part of a poetry anthology book published by Fabrizio Froshini under the banner of a group called 'Poets Unite World Wide'. The name of the book is 'We are all persons' Why Gender Discrimination.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

The year two thousand sixteen is about to end
The Crescent moon is peaceful like a baby
Unaware of what goes on around-
Unaware of a new year about to start on earth.
It shines and smiles in his own world not knowing
How it's smiling moonbeams reaching down to millions
Create a festive and peaceful evening upon a quiet home
Away from a loud and boisterous New Year's Eve.
In peace, with heart full of love I welcome
The crescent moon and the cycle of another new year.

Wish all my family, friends and readers a happy Two Thousand Seventeen 
With peace and joy.