"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Random Thought lX

One goes to temple in search of peace
Other goes because he is at peace
Third is there to wash his laundry !

And God said: 

I have created a song for each of you
Now you have to sing it all alone 
Others are there to join in chorus.

And the Devil said:

Fear me! The perpetual fiend
Ictus malicious 
Pernicious to your song.          

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Random Thought X

One who is suppose to protect and serve 
Aught to be courageous and compassionate.
But a neurosis of fear and distrust runs
Through the veins of governing power
A fearful and ruthless one in power knows only
How to intimidate, dominate and enslave
With out winning the confidence of people

Such an authority is not fit to govern.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Love's Journey

Fragrance of love pervades alike
The breath of young, old and senile 
In heart full of emotions, like sky full of cloud
A glance, a wink, a flattery of word
Strikes deep like lightening rod
For love- burnt soul the pain
As sweet a cause for delight
As walking in rain facing crystals of ice.

Tonight let her dream for ritual of love
Hold its sparkle in pleading eyes
Let the secret be spoken in shy smile
Intoxicated she is to want it more
In a helpless plight of senses beguile
Suffered in agony when deprived
Blind folded to passion is her mind
Naught know the difference in love and lust
Mingled together like laughter and wine.

But bodily needs aren't enough
To hold on to each other 
Missing in rituals was the hunger of emotion
Lost communication of intimate soul
Hands touching hands yet miles apart mind
Love's nurturing was beyond her thoughts
She could hardly understand its intricacy.

Then one day her love walked out silently
Sadness so visible in his eyes
Goddess of love looked at her disapprovingly
Unable to bear her falsity
She too disappeared hauntingly 
Living alone now she searches for answers
What went wrong?
She had forgotten what true love meant.

Desperate she went on searching
Once indifferent  to world
Now world was stranger to her
Disillusioned she entered a coffee shop
Here is a place one could be alone 
Yet not be alone
What joy is there in being alone?
No body to share your life.

Her wandering eyes searched for a place to sit.
At the far end by the window
Was a lady sitting alone
Sad and weary was her face
Slowly she walked to the table
"May I join you?"
Lady looked at her
Her blue eyes
Misty and cloudy
"Please !" she smiled
Both sipped their coffee
"Being alone is no fun!"
Abruptly said the lady 
No explanation was needed
Blue eyes gave it all away
Her heart knew it all.

A smile was building on both their faces
Comfort they received  
In companionship
Both had stories of a life time to tell
But nothing of that sort happened
Only a smile was exchanged
Their hearts became featherlight
Taking delight in each other’s smile
On cafe window rose
A faint reflection of flying dove
Love had spoken in true form.

7. 31. 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

Moon's Child

Night is stygian sans of stars
Dark mood shares kinship 
With black sky of new moon
Moon's jubilant child I am shedding
The gloom under full moon's glow


Halloween a celebration of fun and excitement
Once a year children dressing up 
Mimicking up their dreams of inner being
What amazes their little minds on this day
Gets transformed into reality
It is a festival of witches and goblins
Venturing through the alley of fear
Recounting the heartbeat 
Catching you by last breath
Seeking the dark corridors of unknown
Feeling the thrill in flash and mind
Oh! The reward of adults for passing out 
Those sumptuously delicious candies
Pure joy and happiness bringing back
Memories of what once was theirs 
springs back upon innocent faces
In most innovative yet somewhat similar ways
If it weren't for kids
Only the witches would be flying upon sinister thoughts
Now passing out candy
I hear the jingle merry of fairy above
Sprinkling the stardust lighting up the sky.