"Some days when I am able to pick a pen and write, I know I have been blessed."~Savita

Welcome to my blog. In my quiet hours I seek to touch the depth of myself and my surroundings. My thoughts that take form of poetry are just the scratches on the surface of life as it reveals to me. Wrapped in a delicate veil of symbolism and ambiguity these verses and expressions also fulfill my desire to share a bit of my self with others. I hope reading them would be as enjoyable for you as writing them has been for me.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


किसे याद रखें किसे भूल जायें
अपनों के बीच क्यों ये गैर याद आयें
जानी पहचानी थी वो छोटी सी दुनियॉ
बाबुल का अंगना और सखियों की गलियॉ

वक्त ने बदल ली हमसे छुप के करवट
अजनबी हैं रास्ते अब अजनबी हैं वादियाँ
किसे पहचाने किसे हम बुलायें
धुधंली सी पड़ गयी हैं रिश्तो की कहानियाँ

अपनी समझ के गली में बढ़े कदम
भूल गये ठौर पर वो सांकलें चढ़ी थी बन्द
किससे नजर मिलायें गुफ्तगू करें कहँा
बचपना तो खो गया बेजार हैं जवानियाँ

भटकते रहे घन्टो पीरे दरगाह पर
सजदे किये हजारों मन्नतें भी माँगी
फिर भी नजर न आया वो नूरानी चेहरा
देखते थे जिसको दियो की कतार में

घड़ी थाम के हम तो बैठे थे कबसे
दामन में चाहा था वक्त को छुपाना
खुद ही छुप रहे हैं अब ढलती शाम के संग
धुधंलुका घिरा कब ये नही हमने जाना

कैसी दिवाली कैसी वो होली
रगं पुराने हैं यादों में समाये
पहचान सकते तो पहचान लेते
मगर चढ़ चुके हैं ऐ वतने माटी
तुझ पर भी मुझ पर भी रंग कुछ पराये

किसे याद रक्खे किसे भूल जायें
अपनो के बीच क्यों ये गैर याद आयें ।

अगर अल्फाज़ लमहे होते तो यह हर लमहा हमने जिया है ।

Thursday, March 7, 2013


सत्त्वानुरूपा सवॆस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत ।
श्रद्धामयो अयं पुरुषो यो यत् श्रद्धा स एव सः ।।Ch.17: Sh.3
The Shraddha of every one accords, O Bharata, to the truth of his being. man's very being is Shraddamaya ( Faith-inhering, faith- instinct, faith-essenced): of whatever Shradda
one is, that verily he is.
 The faith of each man takes the shape , hue, quality given to it by his stuff of being, his constituting temperament, his innate power of existence…Gita tells us that this Purusha, this soul in man is as it were made of Shraddha, a faith, a will to be, a belief in itself and existence, and whatever is that will or constituting belief in him, he is that and that is he....
If a man or the soul in a man consists of the faith which is in him... then it follows that the truth he sees or wills to live is for him the truth of his being, the truth of himself that he has created or is creating and there can be for him no other real truth. This truth is a thing of his inner and outer action, a thing of his becoming, of the soul's dynamics, not of that in him which never changes. He is what he is today by some past will of his nature sustained and continued by a present will to know, to believe and to be in his intelligence and vital force, and whatever new turn is taken by this will and faith active in his very substance, that he will tend to become in the future. We create our own truth of existence in our own action of mind and life, which is another way of saying that we create our own selves....
Note: This passage has been taken from 'Sri Aurobindo in Essays on the Gita'
          Sanskrit Shloka and Translation is from 'Bhagavad Gita - In light of Sri Aurobindo' edited by Maheshwar.